Most realistic fictional INTJ


On Holiday
What are some fictional INTJs that portray the ones in real life realistically? We've all heard about The Emperor and Hannibal Lecter and so on, but you'll never run into them in real life.
Eric Foreman from House MD. He seems to be a very close portrayal of INTJs I know in real life.
NOT House. Major common mistype.

Severus Snape - Harry Potter

Bane - The Dark Knight Rises

Shinomori Aoshi - Rurouni Kenshin
NOT House. Major common mistype.

Severus Snape - Harry Potter

Bane - The Dark Knight Rises

Shinomori Aoshi - Rurouni Kenshin

Severus strikes me more as an ISTJ. Always faithful to his word and his bond with Lilly. INTJs move on if their relationships fail, I think.

EDIT: House is an INTP. Foreman is the series' INTJ.
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Dexter. Well, if you remove his serial killer tendencies that is, every other aspect of his character is spot-on to most confident INTJ's I've known and met.
Severus strikes me more as an ISTJ. Always faithful to his word and his bond with Lilly. INTJs move on if their relationships fail, I think.

EDIT: House is an INTP. Foreman is the series' INTJ.

IMO, House is ENTP.
And, no, in The Half Blood Prince it is shown how innovative, brilliant and not-by-the-book Severus was. My 2 pennies.
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IMO, House is ENTP.
And, no, in the Half Blood Prince it is shown how innovative, brilliant and not-by-the-book Severus was. My 2 pennies.

House is ENTP at times, but most of the time he does supress his Fe instead of his Si.

And fair enough about Severus.
Foreman seems more like an ISTJ than an INTJ.

House went through a rather INTP phase a couple seasons ago, but before and since has seemed more like a ENTP.
House is ENTP at times, but most of the time he does supress his Fe instead of his Si.

And fair enough about Severus.

That's a good observation as to Greg House. I'm inclined to think he's ENTP because of how much time he spends extraverting, and how natural it seems for him. The incessant Ti-Fe tug of war is something to think about, though. As a universal phenomenon (with the respective functions, of course) I find it an interesting dichotomy of the two polar opposite sides to a person. Two sides of the same coin.
Perhaps we could extend the pool of realistic fictional INTJs instead of focusing too much on what is in the pool. [MENTION=5104]Gecko[/MENTION], [MENTION=4717]subwayrider[/MENTION] and [MENTION=2648]magister343[/MENTION] You seem to be delving in your Ti there :-) I'd also like to know the realistic ones of your types.
Perhaps we could extend the pool of realistic fictional INTJs instead of focusing too much on what is in the pool. [MENTION=5104]Gecko[/MENTION], [MENTION=4717]subwayrider[/MENTION] and [MENTION=2648]magister343[/MENTION] You seem to be delving in your Ti there :-) I'd also like to know the realistic ones of your types.

lulz. You are right. I binz teh developing muh Ti'z.
That's a good observation as to Greg House. I'm inclined to think he's ENTP because of how much time he spends extraverting, and how natural it seems for him. The incessant Ti-Fe tug of war is something to think about, though. As a universal phenomenon (with the respective functions, of course) I find it an interesting dichotomy of the two polar opposite sides to a person. Two sides of the same coin.

Maybe you should take a look at the functions instead of the letters for a second. Let's consider House.

Ti is a given.
Ne is also a given, solutions come to him out of nowhere while doing different stuff.
Si is there, he writes stuff on his board in order to keep it in memory, he does things with a little bit of consistency and step-by-step approach.
Fe is definately his supressed function. House has Fe, but he shows it rarely, as rarely as INFJs show Se (looking at things as they are instead of looking deeper trying to find what they mean) or ENTPs show Si (consistency and step-by-step approach).

I can understand how people think House is an ENTP. He's not shy, he likes to play around, etc. etc. But an ENTP shows more emotion when doing this. An ENTP will laugh if you get tricked, an ENTP will smile at you when he's saying hi, an ENTP will not supress his Fe and will show his emotional facial expressions.

Consider Doc Brown, from Back to the Future. That's an ENTP right there, as stereotypical as you can get. There's exaggerated facial expressions and notice how while he doesn't supress his feelings, he also doesn't show them THAT often.

House is an introverted Doc Brown. The genius is there, but the feelings are supressed.
Perhaps we could extend the pool of realistic fictional INTJs instead of focusing too much on what is in the pool. [MENTION=5104]Gecko[/MENTION], [MENTION=4717]subwayrider[/MENTION] and [MENTION=2648]magister343[/MENTION] You seem to be delving in your Ti there :-) I'd also like to know the realistic ones of your types.

Sorry man, I tend to lose my track a lot.

Anyway, like I said, Doc Brown is a great example of an ENTP. In fact, he was the reason my friends convinced me to watch the movies, because he was very similar to me.

As for INTJs, I'll give you another one that I consider realistic. Gandalf the White. While Gandalf the Grey is more of an INTP, the White is definately INTJ. Keep in mind that I'm talking about the book version.
Maybe you should take a look at the functions instead of the letters for a second. Let's consider House.

Ti is a given.
Ne is also a given, solutions come to him out of nowhere while doing different stuff.
Si is there, he writes stuff on his board in order to keep it in memory, he does things with a little bit of consistency and step-by-step approach.
Fe is definately his supressed function. House has Fe, but he shows it rarely, as rarely as INFJs show Se (looking at things as they are instead of looking deeper trying to find what they mean) or ENTPs show Si (consistency and step-by-step approach).

I can understand how people think House is an ENTP. He's not shy, he likes to play around, etc. etc. But an ENTP shows more emotion when doing this. An ENTP will laugh if you get tricked, an ENTP will smile at you when he's saying hi, an ENTP will not supress his Fe and will show his emotional facial expressions.

Consider Doc Brown, from Back to the Future. That's an ENTP right there, as stereotypical as you can get. There's exaggerated facial expressions and notice how while he doesn't supress his feelings, he also doesn't show them THAT often.

House is an introverted Doc Brown. The genius is there, but the feelings are supressed.

I was looking at the functions, I just decided not to write them out. A good breakdown, anyway.

And let's not forget that trying to type fictional characters is iffy.

And the Ti-athon continues... hehe.
Dexter. Well, if you remove his serial killer tendencies that is, every other aspect of his character is spot-on to most confident INTJ's I've known and met.
Being balanced (which is what you would see in confident, mature, well-rounded INTJs) causes him to be less INTJ, as he draws on traits of other personalities.