Movie moments that you will always remember.


Permanent Fixture
These can be moments that engrave themselves in your mind. Perhaps a scene that is so sad, so beautiful, or so uplifting. Perhaps moments that make you think 'this film is already one of my favourites'.

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The scene in Hotel Rwanda when the car is rolling over bodies. It makes me sick, but I'm never going to forget watching it. And the scene in Secret Life of Walter Mitty when he is traveling finally and taking in all the beautiful scenery around him.
"Snakes. Why do there always have to be snakes!....Asps....very dangerous. You go first...." LOL

I was bitten by a poisonous snake - a Copperhead - at age 6 and nearly died. My best friend of 35 years has a reptile house and catches wild snakes for fun. [ the irony of life ]
She knows and understands my aversion to snakes...and when I go visit her and look at her latest collection - she always laughs at me and we both exclaim out loud "Snakes! Why do there always have to be SNAKES!" We have also watched this movie together many times and when this part comes up we say it out loud and laugh.

Ahhh life.... it's so strange.

"Snakes. Why do there always have to be snakes!....Asps....very dangerous. You go first...." LOL

I was bitten by a poisonous snake - a Copperhead - at age 6 and nearly died. My best friend of 35 years has a reptile house and catches wild snakes for fun. [ the irony of life ]
She knows and understands my aversion to snakes...and when I go visit her and look at her latest collection - she always laughs at me and we both exclaim out loud "Snakes! Why do there always have to be SNAKES!" We have also watched this movie together many times and when this part comes up we say it out loud and laugh.

Ahhh life.... it's so strange.


I like that part too! Harrison Ford is such a great actor... and yikes, I'm glad you survived the snake bite.
I am forgetting movies
I'm dying

Don't DIE. :c


"You're not dying, you just can't think of anything good to do."

The ending of the animated movie: Dog of Flanders. IT was SO FREAKING SAD :'( (entire thing is on youtube if you're interested)
One of my favorite fight scenes in recent years. You can tell it's a bit of a nod to Oldboy. Violence ahead.

I love the library scene in Wings of Desire:

And the glorious Peter Falk:
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Chills that made me realize I wanted to do music for life.

Watching this Religiously-inspired, shameless, pathetic con-artist getting himself bitchslapped into a mound of wasteful mud is the best scene ever.
Dad, wanna have a catch?

I absolutely loved the opening of The Current War.
There was also a hallucination type scene in IT Chapter Two that was great.
Also the fight scene with Halle Berry's dogs in John Wick. Basically all of John Wick tho lmao.