[PUG] NASA Photographs Romulan Warbird


Right the First Time!
Or is it a Klingon Bird of Prey?


That would be SO awesome if it were the romulans. But then we'd be fucked.
It's a well established fact that those ships have cloaking devices.
So, it's a hoax.
I don't think they can remain cloaked when going into warp (as the image cleary shows).
Did they bring presents/treats?
I want the ale, man! Beam me up with some of that Romulan Ale.

*Crosses fingers*
When was the Romulan Cloaking Device invented? I thought it was in the 23rd Century.

Is this perhaps a prototype?
Come on guys, this is obviously Kirk and company come backwards in time in a Klingon Bird of Prey to save the Whales! Here comes our transparent Aluminum!!
Maybe it is vulcans. They are the first alien species to make contact on earth, and that contact happened in Bozeman, Montana and that is exactly where I live :D.
Maybe it is vulcans. They are the first alien species to make contact on earth, and that contact happened in Bozeman, Montana and that is exactly where I live :D.

I noticed in all your pictures your hair covers you ears or you are wearing a hat! Just sayin'...........
What is your favourite Star Trek race? I really do have a soft spot for the Romulans.

Of course he is an ENTP, lovely example of one at that. I looked at quinlan cause I remember a while ago him mentioning (or someone else) that the name quinlan is a refrence to Q.
If I was all powerful I'd mess with the straight laced Picard's of the universe too.