neon genesis evagelion.


Contents Under Pressure
The ending... what the shit was that? Did he fail to save the world we know because he is such a little beotch? Shiinji is such an INFP!:m100:

the scene towards the end of death though, if that wasn't a poignant message about what it is to be male in our society i don't know what is.
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There were a few different endings to NGE as I remember. In one of them he did save the world. But I did not like Shinji at all - I would rather identify with Asuka.
Which ending did you see? The ending of the tv show is not the real ending; they ran out of money and time and half-assed it. The ending of the movie is the real thing.

So, which one did you see?
the movie, where he is choking the girl on the beach after everyone turned into orange kool aid.
amazing ending. Best part is when she says, "How disgusting!" Then it all made sense...

Agreed. I loved the ending once I was actually able to understand it. Took me a few viewings to do so but afterwards I realized how amazing it was. Also, i was under the impression that Shinji was infj. Could be wrong though.
I loved the ending of Evangelion. I'm one of the people that believe the ending of the TV series and End of Evangelion coexist. The last two episodes of the series are what happened in the mind of Shinji during the End of Evangelion.

If you haven't seen End of Evangelion and don't want to be spoiled I wouldn't read further.

Here's Hideki Anno's explanation of the last line of the movie, the much disputed, "Kimochi Warui." Basically, the voice actress who played Asuka was having trouble figuring out exactly what and how to say what Anno wanted her to say. So, he described it to her something like this, "You were in a room, alone and unconscious, with someone. Even though they could have had their way with you, they instead masturbated to your bare breasts. How do you feel?" Of course, she said "kimochi warui" which can be translated to 'disgusting' or 'i feel sick.'

Though Anno explained that, he didn't touch what the entire scene meant. He has been quoted as saying something like, "Anyone who has a perfect health social/mental life will get nothing from this." So, it is meant to help people who are having trouble in their lives, and who the hell isn't. Basically, the ending is meant to mean what you want or need it to be.

If you don't understand End of Eva or even the series watch it over again (I've watched it like 5/6 times), read into the plot and empathize with the characters. You can read some online explanations, but the biggest thing to take away from Evangelion is to come up with your own conclusion on what it's about.

My personal theory on Shinji is that his type evolved throughout the series from an INFP to and INFJ.

Anyways, if anyone else out there is an Eva fan I'd love to debate and converse different theories.

PS. Tamagochi- I loved Bakemonogatari, I can't wait for the next web episode!
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Omg [MENTION=1451]Billy[/MENTION] you watched that? Somehow that's kinda unexpected :D ..

Omg u gaiz I am re-watching the series this summer for the first time since I was 12, and I'm at the part where Shinji is absorbed by the spherical shadow angel and is tripping balls. Exciting!!

I just wanted to share that.
It just occured to me to wonder wtf a "neon genesis" is supposed to be, and it dawned on me when the "shin seiki" kanji on the logo flashed on the screen.

SEI KI = world-era (/century)


I *think* they mistranslated "neo" into "neon".

God I love being able to read kanji.
(So glad this is my first post!)
I only recently watched Eva, and I loved it! I'm highly into metaphorical, symbolic endings, and how the series dealt with mental/emotional health was super appealing to me. I didn't understand the ending at first, but after watching it and the movie a second time, I think I agree with RamielRowe, that the ending means whatever you need it to mean. Eva is a series about growing to accept all the horrible, cruel things life does, and it personally helped me with a TON of things.
I don't understand, though, why everyone hates Shinji! I just don't get it! I empathize heavily with him and Asuka, and find them both really good- fantastic even- characters. I think the main reason I like Shinji is because he is a good representation of what clinical depression is like. I have a couple different types of depression, which I've had since childhood, and I felt like Shinji's reactions to the things going on in his life were very symbolic of what it's like to experience normal life with depression.
Sorry, I could go on all day about this show! I'll shut up.
Favorite anime series; watched it again last year. It's feels very visceral...very human, I love the characters and the all emotional stuffs. Shinji was very relatable (for the most part), even Rei was at times - Asuka seemed kind of crazy though...
Finished it yesterday! I found that I relate to Misato an awful lot. Rei somewhat as well, and I have Asuka moments sometimes.

Lol Asuka just had issues because of her childhood... I thought she was reasonably okay for most of the series if a bit of a bully, especially considering all that, and only really started to get craycray in the last few episodes. I think many viewers have probably gone through a Shinji phase, esp in their early teens. There have been moments where I've related to all of the characters.
That's exactly what I was reminded of when I think back on Shinji's character. He's in that chasm between boy and man when puberty and certain responsibilities set in. His father's an ever-present shadow. Women are foreign objects. The weight of the expectations takes its toll.

The first time I watched the series (in high school, on VHS) I was still in that chasm. So, I didn't like his character. It was too much of a mirror.
Finished it yesterday!
Time to see the Evangelion reboot movies, then! You Are [Not] Alone 1.11. There are two dubbed movies so far, while all three are out in Japan I think. In a way, they're more intense than the anime. There's a new character, too!
Yeah lol... I spent a fair number of my teenage years working at a video store so I watched a LOOOOOOT of movies. Movies most people dont know exist, shouldnt know... exist ha. [MENTION=3998]niffer[/MENTION]
I actually organized a huge anime selection for the store, anime, horror, sci fi, fantasy,cult were my genres so I brought a lot of those titles to the stores attention. It was cool though because I was 18 and this guy who owned the store would let me select any movies I wanted and he would buy them for the store, it was pretty badass.
ah, i need to go watch the movie. i watched eleventy billion hours of the tv show in a very short amount of time with that boy, and i hurt after. i was not in the mood to watch the movie.

"You were in a room, alone and unconscious, with someone. Even though they could have had their way with you, they instead masturbated to your bare breasts. How do you feel?" Of course, she said "kimochi warui" which can be translated to 'disgusting' or 'i feel sick.'

yeah, it felt like that. =p