I was very very apprehensive to him since I first saw him back in (I think it was late '07), and I haven't trusted him since. I didn't trust or like any of the canidates. I felt like he was just trying to please everyone by speaking well and being as generic as possible while being careful not to sound generic. I didn't vote for him because I couldn't bring myself to trust him (and I identify as a rather liberal person). Despite how much I hate her for her values and as such would never ever vote for her, I actually like sarah palin because she is blunt and says what she means, and you can see into her easily. Let me tell you, I desperately wish she was a liberal, because then I would have fallen all over for her.
So far, obama hasn't given me a reason to hate him. He also hasn't given me a reason to like him. I am very indifferent / on the fence with his opinions and the things he has done. Although my trust for him has gone up since he has been in office, it is beginning to drop off more and more once again. I see something in him that is deceitful, and it will not leave me.