Obama Proposes to cut NASA's Constellation Project

Simply put we can't keep spending money that does not come back to us.
I think for the time it's a good idea. NASA is still getting an increase of somewhere around 1.2 billion a year, but we're saving 9 billion. That money could go tons of other places (hopefully not to be squandered :/ ).

It sucks to see something so exciting halted for the time being, but if it's that important, why don't we just funnel the 9 billion dollars out of our around 600 billion dollar defense spending. I think that'd be a wise investment.
Though AF does alot of study in space, as they are the branch wich holds authority in the subject.

But of NASA, no.
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It saddens me that scientific development funding is cut, but supposing that it's only temporary until the economy gets back on track makes it seem fairly reasonable to me.
As has already been said. We can cut our military budget a bit then we will have enough.
Cold wars never end
Cold wars never end
I'm curious as to what you mean by that. If by it you mean the Cold War, then it most definitely is in relative terms, 'over'...but I'm not sure if that's what you mean.
Truth, there is always more meant then what is said.
NASA and space exploration is, imo, a waste of time, fuel and money. The hundreds of billions of dollars pumped into the space industry since the 60's could have been used to help solve issues on our own planet rather than racing with the Russians.
NASA and space exploration is, imo, a waste of time, fuel and money. The hundreds of billions of dollars pumped into the space industry since the 60's could have been used to help solve issues on our own planet rather than racing with the Russians.
And what of the engineering and scientific expertise cultivated because of the moon race? Hard to quantify, but undoubtedly worth something.
NASA and space exploration is, imo, a waste of time, fuel and money. The hundreds of billions of dollars pumped into the space industry since the 60's could have been used to help solve issues on our own planet rather than racing with the Russians.

Tell that to the humans in the future who will rely on that technology to escape our sun turning into a bloated super giant and incinerating the inner solar system.
JohnDoe said:
And what of the engineering and scientific expertise cultivated because of the moon race? Hard to quantify, but undoubtedly worth something.
Yes, I thought about that. Certainly many technological and scientific discoveries have been made thanks to the global space race, but I suspect many could have been discovered with direct funding at a much lower rate than space exploration consumes.

billy said:
Tell that to the humans in the future who will rely on that technology to escape our sun turning into a bloated super giant and incinerating the inner solar system.
Sacrificing living humans for humans that don't exist is futile. I don't give a crap about humans in a few hundred million years time and would much rather the world today benefitted from the huge sums of money involved in space exploration.
Sacrificing living humans for humans that don't exist is futile. I don't give a crap about humans in a few hundred million years time and would much rather the world today benefitted from the huge sums of money involved in space exploration.

You won't say that when the Yeerks come to enslave us.
He could cut the defense budget?

Ideally that is, it's not like that's gonna happen.