OCD and other Anxiety Disorders


"unbalanced and unhealthy states

Unbalanced 5/6 becomes afraid of people. Mistrust interacts with reductionistic analysis, and the world begins to seem more and more threatening. Threeish competitive urges might emerge, combining with sevenish mania to create a kind of intense, argumentative combativeness that hides a deep sense of inadequacy. This unbalanced state turns people away, leading to a greater sense of isolation. Unhealthy 5/6 tends to rationalize that most people are not honest anyway, and since other people fail to recognize the value of their brilliant ideas, they are not worth knowing at all.

In the worst cases, paranoia and anxiety lead 5/6 into a terrifying spiral in which increasingly bizarre fabrications may be used to explain hallucinated meanings into even the most mundane events. Numbers, names, and shapes can take on enormous significance. Vast, intricate, imaginary conspiracies are clearly seen as Truth. The whole world is warped into a shape that supports an increasingly baroque inner model. There is a time during which violent acts are possible, just before the inner system collapses. In the end, the house of cards can fall suddenly, leaving 5/6 in a trembling fugue of total withdrawal."

Ive tested as a 5w6 a couple of times, reading this somehow gave me more insight than any Therapy ive had the last 15 years. No amount of reading up on the Anxiety related Disorders ive struggled with more or less all my life has made me feel - in lack of a better word "normal", as in "its part of my personality". While i know the importance of acknowledging the markers for the Disorders one might have in order to prevent any unnecessary "downward spirals". I find this more "approachable" and something i could really work with.

What are the "affirmations" you people have found?

(just realised i posted in the wrong section - doh)
I can relate to that description as well although i am supposed to be 5w4.