Rothchildian Agent
- Enneagram
- 9
Have you ever thought about this? Of any world religions I mean, not exclusively Christian ones, but I am going to use some examples here.
I remember reading a Philip K Dick novel, I think it was VALIS, which was a bit of a mess anyway but it had some religious references and dealt with the following line of script:
Which one of the character interprets as meaning:
But another interprets as:
There's other examples I can think of, Erich Fromm when he was writing about zen buddhism and psychoanalysis and other religious traditions talked about how Atonement, instead of Atone-ment, really meant At-one-ment, taking up some of Suzuki's ideas about being from Mysticism: Christian and Buddhist.
The latest about this that I've been thinking has been the whole idea of "you must be born again", what if Jesus meant "you will need a new identity" when he was saying that and I dont mean in a spiritual renewal sense, what if it was very practical advice, ie the authorities are going to kill me, probably kill all of you, you'll need a new identity or you'll need to go undercover or fake your deaths to survive, you know? Would put a pretty different, less obscurantist take on the scriptures there.
What are your thoughts about curious interpretations or do you have any examples?
I remember reading a Philip K Dick novel, I think it was VALIS, which was a bit of a mess anyway but it had some religious references and dealt with the following line of script:
Which one of the character interprets as meaning:
But another interprets as:
There's other examples I can think of, Erich Fromm when he was writing about zen buddhism and psychoanalysis and other religious traditions talked about how Atonement, instead of Atone-ment, really meant At-one-ment, taking up some of Suzuki's ideas about being from Mysticism: Christian and Buddhist.
The latest about this that I've been thinking has been the whole idea of "you must be born again", what if Jesus meant "you will need a new identity" when he was saying that and I dont mean in a spiritual renewal sense, what if it was very practical advice, ie the authorities are going to kill me, probably kill all of you, you'll need a new identity or you'll need to go undercover or fake your deaths to survive, you know? Would put a pretty different, less obscurantist take on the scriptures there.
What are your thoughts about curious interpretations or do you have any examples?