Overtly Reactive or Overtly Receptive?


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During good times and bad times, if you have to choose only one, would you rather be one in a relationship who's overtly reactive (always reacted, taking charges, making changes, possibly overblown, may result in exploding) or overtly receptive (always received, holding on, keeping peace, possibly being passive, may result in imploding)?

Somewhat of a contrast, yes. Or possibly black-or-black question here. :|
A very interesting question. I'd almost say I'd like to be overtly reactive since I've spent so much of my time in the latter category. Not all of those traits have held true for me but I'm definitely in the position of keeping the peace most often.

My answer would be being overtly receptive.
I won't say why (it would create a rationalization that -could- be dangerous to my mental well-being), and besides I don't plan to be on one or the other end of the spectrum.

But it's just popped from my mind. :|
I couldn't be reactive even if I tried. Not only do I find such an attitude annoying, but it's also very contrary to my low energy personality. It would be too exhausting even if I tried to keep it up.
I would say I'd rather be in a relationship with someone who was overly reactive as long as they could be receptive to hearing suggestions, lol
Neither are good.
I wouldn't rather be one or the other.

I'd rather figure out how to solve a conflict without flipping out or being a door mat.
bumpity bump; with new members, I'm curious as per the answers.
Overtly receptive... which I am. I would like a partner who is, also. Purely for my own sanity.
I am overly receptive, but lately I've been overly reactive more often, out of necessity. It's scary. I like neither extreme, but since receptivity is more comfortable for me...I guess that's what I'd go with. But I'd rather have a better balance and would re-actively fight such a choice. :P
Of course, I'm not endorsing in any way that either extremes are good. But neither am I offering the middle range (which I'm sure a lot will pick, as much as I do).

It's that kind of uncomfortable choice, I suppose. :)
hmmmmm.. personally i would perfer an overly reactive, as i am my-self an overly receptive an i perceive it would be a good balance with overly reactive, or rather i have experienced a overly reactive, it goes well because i spend a high amount of time judging the appropriate ethical response to situation whilst reactives are spontaneously acting according to their beliefs in moral values, whilst i can collaborate on the consistancy realised through reflection of their moral values, they may recieve in-coherently the info-mation.
