Pandora Radio

I have been addicted to Pandora for years now. I left and went to a site called Jango, but recently went back because absolutely nothing fills the void Pandora leaves... lol
yes, its pretty awesome. Been using it for a year now.:m037:
I've been using Pandora for about 4 years now. It's pretty good.

The music that it 'guesses' I'll like is sometimes spot on and I'll really enjoy listening to my 'Muse - Citizen Erased' station.

Somedays though... it's WAY off - I don't know how it'd make the jump that I'd suddenly start liking the crap it selects.

Lately, I've been listening to It's like Pandora, but you can customize and create your own playlists, play songs on command, and click through songs you don't like as many times as you want to.

Oh, and it's free too.
Muse - Citizen Erased


I'm seeing them in March.

Anyway, I've never used Pandora but I use, which is very similar. I like because you can sync it with your iTunes/WMP/etc. and it'll give you your listening trends. You also have your own recommended radio which it bases on your play counts. Very useful when I want to check out new music.
I love pandora!! I listen all the time. Then I'll go to and create an online playlist from my fav songs!!! Currently my station is based off the band the birthday massacre
Posted via Mobile Device
Pandora's awesome. I've been using it for a few years, same as other folks. I've found a lot of good music on the site, and good new indie bands I'd never heard of (some of the bands are really, really good and I'm surprised they're not well known by now). I found Sun Kil Moon on there and "Carry Me Ohio" became one of my favorite songs. also lost some cool points with me, too: You now only have 40 hours or so of free listening in a month. After that you have to pay. :( also lost some cool points with me, too: You now only have 40 hours or so of free listening in a month. After that you have to pay. :(

Pandora half died to me when this happened, and half died again when they started playing commercials on top of it.
bumping this age old thread

I love pandora, listen to it all the time. I suggest anyone who has a favorite custom radio station to post it here!

For me, recently: Film scores Radio