Past lives

I'm interested in the subject and have done a little bit of research, but have no idea who my past lives were (or if it's even true).

I have read that when researching your own past lives, to make a list of things which you strongly like. I hate shopping, but if something stops me dead in my tracks (which doesn't happen often) and I think .... I HAVE to have this (such as a pair of shoes), that there is some connection? Sheesh, I wonder what that says about hoarders. LOL

I am drawn to things from the 30s and 40s ... clothes, music, films, the life of my grandparents. I was an extra in a movie a few years ago, and it centered on this time period. When I was on set, I felt at home surrounded by the old vehicles and wardrobe of others. It was very odd. (Oh, and don't don't see me in the movie, I was merely a part of a large crowd.) :D
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I don't spend much time thinking about past lives (I have plenty to do here) but if such things exist I sure must have had one in 7th century Ireland.
Past lives aren't real. Sure, the energy of a past life form was obviously used to create energy and life in ourselves, but this isn't a "past life" as in reincarnation. Your "past life" might have been the energy a horse stomped the grass with during some English war 400 years ago creating a chain resulting in your life. But as far as a spirit actually passing on into yourself and having the positive or negative things you do in life result in a better life in the future, not so much. I think your spirit and life is energy. "Karma" is just a nice way of saying the good things you do reesult in a better outcome for everyone else.
Yes and no. I also believe in anatta (no-self), so saying those past lives were actually me, as I know myself to be is something I can't say.
I honestly don't know. I don't think much about the afterlife or previous lives largely because it is irrelevant to how I live THIS life, right here right now. My Orthodox friends certainly believe in transmigration of the soul, but most of my Reform friends don't believe in a soul at all. Once a therapist told me I had an old, old soul, and strangely I just felt that this was reassuring and validating.

I certainly have had experiences which COULD BE interpreted as past life memories. But there are alternative explanations as well. For example, maybe I'm just a good "radio receiver" of the energy patterns left by other lives. Maybe my imagination is simply SO good, that it feels like a memory.

IF past lives are a reality, they likely give an unconscious push in certain directions, to complete what was incomplete, to right what was wrong. But I don't need to be conscious of those past lives in order for that to happen.

I'm fine just remaining an agnostic on this issue.
Do you believe in past lives?
Have you ever been regressed?
What do you think the implications of past lives would be?

1. Yes.

2. No, why would I?

3. There are no implications. Why does it matter what consciousness your soul was attached to in its previous cycle? You aren't the person that your soul was animating, any more than that person is you.