Oops forgot to answer these.
I've noticed these patterns from since I started liking boys around the preteen age, and it's not something I ever "worked out" in my head in order to have these preferences. I don't know what a "deliberate" form of being attracted to someone would be. Could you explain what you mean by that, @
Ame ?
It seems to me that in attraction there's always the elements of mystery and admiration. That's pretty obvious to say, and it's probably hardwired in us biologically (creating diversity in the gene pool, and wanting mates that make offspring with good traits to survive with). It probably also serves to humor us psychologically somehow, for a variety of reasons that differ for everyone. (again, being captain obvious)
Like for me, maybe I tend not to like guys who talk a lot and try to use their boldness to impress people because I don't like being constantly outdone or outshined, leaving me in the background, and I want someone who is more like my equal. It could be because I'm jealous or competitive or a control freak or something along those lines, or it could just be that I don't like the tackiness and assault to my senses to have to be around someone like that or associated with them all the time and don't want to be pulled into their world of superficial imaginary competition. The only guy that I took the time to date for a couple months who was like this was another ENFJ in high school. It was endless superficial conversation 24/7 (mostly with him telling stories about himself and seeming to take little interest in me or connecting with me), and while he was a cool guy and there was nothing wrong about him as a person, I found it difficult to establish emotional closeness with him. I really did think he was great, but I just wasn't feeling it with him. I've had similar feelings towards other guys (and people in general) that talk impersonally about themselves a lot (post-highschool too), even though a lot of it is probably because they're just nervous and want to impress me and in reality they want to connect but don't know how to do it. Or they are insecure and want to impress people in general, so they just rattle things from off the top of their heads. Or maybe they just really like to talk. Either way, I know that I'm going to have to tell them to shut up eventually, and they probably won't like that. /rant