[Pax]7.0 Earthquake in Haiti . . . .


Whatever your feelings, please keep it respectful. Thank you.
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Whatever your feelings, please keep it respectful. No need for comments which diminish the seriousness of this situation. Thank you.

My apologies.

I don't think anyone means any disrespect by making light of the situation. Given that it is such a poor country and there is not much people can do to help in the situation, it provides a bit of relief to try to find some humor among such a tragedy.
a lot of us feel the need to make light of tragic situations, but it is very sad.
My apologies.

I don't think anyone means any disrespect by making light of the situation. Given that it is such a poor country and there is not much people can do to help in the situation, it provides a bit of relief to try to find some humor among such a tragedy.

Did you make funny? I want to know what it was :p
a lot of us feel the need to make light of tragic situations, but it is very sad.


I have been dealing with hardships all morning, Shai's brand of humor just caught me as funny, but I in no way meant disrespect for the situation... sorry restraint!!
There certainly have been a lot of quakes lately.
Aye, sorry to have upset you Restraint, but there've been so many news stories about natural disasters since the Victorian Bushfires last year, that I find it easier to laugh than to cry.
Thanks for the apologies. I understand.
i lol'd at Shai... bad situation, there are still good people in the world though...

and i've also heard on the news, exodus of people headed to haiti to help...
I remember the 2005/6 Cyclone that hit Cairns around christmas/new years time that year. The army was there the next day, with General Peter Cosgrove organising the hordes volunteers from all around the country.

Not alliance, Horde. Because they were cool.

There're always lots of volunteers because NFs seem to have time on their hands...
There're always lots of jokes because NTPs seem to have time on their hands...
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Always sad to see things like this happen especially given the tragic loss of life and long process of recovery. We are all dancing on the head of a pin in this world I'm afraid.
This is terribly sad to me...perhaps because it *is* such a poor country. I will try to do more to help, though. Maybe I'll get a bit extra this month and use it towards their homeland.