

Community Member
Hi everyone.

What does 'peace' mean to you? What do you do in your day-to-day lives to ensure harmony? What do you think of the statement, 'peace is a state of mind'?
Peace is a state of no conflict. If there is no conflict, there is no personal investment. Escapism. It has always seemed a fairy tale, a devious leprechaun handing out prescriptive sedation under the guise of happiness. There will always be problems in the world, and I believe that is unfortunately necessary; without problems, without contrast, the need for valuation is obliterated. And that is simply not compatible with our primordial emotion-based hardware.

So, I'm aiming for "content", having psychological needs filled. It's an interactive stepping stone that lets you step outside yourself to more maturely assess and perform in life's rolling drama. (My phrasing here is horridly inaccurate to what I'm trying to say, but the words will not come so I'll just leave what I have.)

Peace is a passive drug, an over-rated depressant;
contentment is a steady stream.
I think there is a difference between being peaceful and being content. I'm not smart enough to verbalize it however; I was hoping that someone else would do it for me.

In order to have conflict, both sides have to decide to fight. Usually one person provokes the other. Why do people chose conflict? What is 'good' conflict and what is 'bad' conflict? Aren't 'good' social relations a lot of hard work?

When I think of 'peace as a state of mind', it kind of has to do with meditation; like, not responding immediately or emotionally to stimuli; being able to stay calm and keep it all in perspective. Keeping the ego out of it, too.

(My phrasing here is horridly inaccurate to what I'm trying to say, but the words will not come so I'll just leave what I have.)
