Physically feeling emotions


Physically feeling emotions - when, how, and in what situations?
If it's a strong enough emotion, this happens. It's honestly alien to me to not physically feel emotions. I can actually tell what emotion I am experiencing by how it physically feels, when it comes to emotions that I don't mentally understand.
If it's a strong enough emotion, this happens. It's honestly alien to me to not physically feel emotions. I can actually tell what emotion I am experiencing by how it physically feels, when it comes to emotions that I don't mentally understand.
first of all, can you expound your question? How might this look or an example?
If I'm feeling lots of love, my chest feels like it could burst. Clich
When I've been around a person who is angry or feeling intense fear - my body starts trembling in my stomach/gut area and I have to take deep breaths to release it. This also happens when I'm trying to tell someone the truth about themselves and it's hard to get across to them without sounding all weird and new age and woowoo on them. You know how we get sometimes when we can see their future and they haven't a clue? Like that. The feeling I get is extremely intense when I know I'm exactly right. My body trembles and I get lightheaded.
Usually the only emotions that I can physically feel are the negative ones. My most recent experience was at the funeral of one of my best friend's dad. I've known the family for years, but everything didn't really hit me until the funeral service. Seeing my friend and his family standing at the front of the church next to the casket was overwhelming. Sure, I've been feeling my own emotions through this whole experience and it's been draining, but the feelings of loss and anger felt through empathy were the most intense I've ever had. I couldn't stop shaking, my muscles were clenched, and I couldn't stop myself. Everything came over me in a flood, and I was no longer in control of my body.

When my nerves are shot (like they are right now) anxiety and stress manifest themselves through an unsteady heart beat, and obnoxiously shaky hands.
I am incredibly anxious.
I throw up all the time
because of this. It sucks.
I'm a fanatic about brushing
my teeth and flossing.
The stomach acid hitting
my teeth makes me nervous.
And there I go getting
anxious again. Oh my.
I physically feel emotions big-time. From happiness to despair and everything in between. It's hard to describe exactly how it feels. I also physically feel other people's emotions. At least it seems that way.
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happens all the time.
See, I have a habit of detaching or suppressing my emotions...
If I ignore them enough they can manifest physically.

Fatigue, Chest tightness, Stomach Cramps are the more common ones for me.

But the most common one is a giddyness that I just can't control or contain.
I love my life.
When I've been around a person who is angry or feeling intense fear - my body starts trembling in my stomach/gut area and I have to take deep breaths to release it. This also happens when I'm trying to tell someone the truth about themselves and it's hard to get across to them without sounding all weird and new age and woowoo on them. You know how we get sometimes when we can see their future and they haven't a clue? Like that. The feeling I get is extremely intense when I know I'm exactly right. My body trembles and I get lightheaded.

You could be an empath. Depending on your sensitivity; you may be absorbing others energy through your heart chakra.
I sometimes get a chill thru my whole body when I get angry, or if someone hurts my feelings deeply I have trouble breathing. It feels like someone is sitting on my chest. If I am extremely upset, I can't speak, all I can physically do is stare straight in front of me, almost catatonic.