[INFJ] please help me type this peron?


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help me type this person. hes name was ramakrishna an indian saint who lived in the 1800s
basicaly iv read most of his stuff and appears either intj or infj. but i cant pinpoint ecactly which one.
as a kid and teenager he was always liked by the local villigers,many of whom become attached to him and always had to see him, he also dropped out of school, because he said school is just mere bread winning, and he would rather want to pursue a spiritual life dedicated to god.
he had a real passion for god and claims to have had many trances that he would fall into as a kid. even beautiful scenery would induce so much emotion that he would fall unconsious.
as he grew older he gained a passion for the hindu goddess kali, which he started worhiping and longing for a vision.
a time came when he longed after kali, and wept, he would weep in longing to have her vision,when finally as he claims the mother finaly revealed himself to him, and he fell down unconsious.
ok yes he appears infj....but i cant see an infj weeping so much as infjs has ni-ti, and only express emotion tawards people. were as intjs has fi, and has more internal emotion, so therefore might be able to weep as much for a chosen god or deity as he did.
as infjs yourselfs please give some insight into this matter, as i really want to pinpoint his type?
if you're trying to type someone between intj or infj i can tell you real quick the difference you're going to notice is that an INTJ socially does not come across as warm or friendly. INFJs may be shy meeting new people but their inner circle of people they work with they are friendly with and will sometimes try to become personal with if they get along, INFJ's have this deep desire to keep things harmonious and do not like having bad relationships with other people. an intj will frequently have a reputation for being 'stuck up'. They come across as shy but if a conflict occurs they won't try to cover it up as much and will sometimes lash back at the other person. In other worlds an INTJ will rock the boat more often and there will be some people who really dislike them. Whereas INFJ tries hard as they can to maintain a positive relationship with even those they dislike.
if you're trying to type someone between intj or infj i can tell you real quick the difference you're going to notice is that an INTJ socially does not come across as warm or friendly. INFJs may be shy meeting new people but their inner circle of people they work with they are friendly with and will sometimes try to become personal with if they get along, INFJ's have this deep desire to keep things harmonious and do not like having bad relationships with other people. an intj will frequently have a reputation for being 'stuck up'. They come across as shy but if a conflict occurs they won't try to cover it up as much and will sometimes lash back at the other person. In other worlds an INTJ will rock the boat more often and there will be some people who really dislike them. Whereas INFJ tries hard as they can to maintain a positive relationship with even those they dislike.
well according to biographies he was always well liked by the people around him,
1. You can’t “type” a person based on some obscure description. You need real conversation and effective direct analysis to deduce a type. And even then the best way to type a person is through multiple tests.

2. Infj or intj is derived from whether that person can handle the general community harmony or not. If there is too much to resolve the intj will just fuck off, the infj will not. But interpersonally an intj will outdo an infj (and an infp will outdo both).

3. Honestly, after rerereading the text , I can’t type him based on your description.

4. Meh