Police disperse gay pride parade in Moscow


Community Member
Lawful Evil

Fuckin worthless, resource-consuming pieces of trash, each and every one o them.
Freedom to assemble isn't a guaranteed right in Russia.

I love that the Mayor calls the gay rights movement Satanic though.
I suppose it's a shame that there even needs to be a gay pride parade in this day and age - in Russia or anywhere else - that there needs to be an embodiment of 'pride' - or self-respect put on display to prove - what? That you can be gay and proud? Why would you not be proud? It's human nature to be gay, just as it's human nature to be straight or anything inbetween. Why do people still need to hear about it? It's all wrong. Why should anyone ever have to go out in public and say 'it's ok to be me' - for whatever reason. I suppose I'm trying to say that it affects me, that people have to put thmselves in that position in the first place, even before considering the horrible reaction to it. I just think, fuck, why can't we all get along. Why is being gay even a big deal? It's not like it's anything new. The world is an odd place. Rant over. I considered not posting this, cos it's just stating the obvious, but what the hell...
i feel your anger
thats why i live by my morals
i don't recognise invented laws
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Yeah, that is quite saddening. The whole concept of anti-gay activists drives me crazy. No one is making them have gay sex. It is absurd to be an activist against someone else's sexuality.
Gay activist groups become problmatic when they get overly-sexualized and sort of shove it at people.
Like those filthy evil Jews who keep throwing the Holocaust back in our face.
Gay activist groups become problmatic when they get overly-sexualized and sort of shove it at people.

Prolly just out of frustration though. People are way too slow in accepting people they don't want to accept. You have to demand your rights sometimes. I understand the frustration.
Prolly just out of frustration though. People are way too slow in accepting people they don't want to accept. You have to demand your rights sometimes. I understand the frustration.
ever googled "gay pride"? I have a feeling that's what indigo's talking. Gay pride doesn't have to equal exhibitionism, and, if anything, it lowers the respect of the uber-christians, who are the ones we really need to reach.
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Heee, its not my first time at the rodeo. I was in WeHo protesting the night after prop 8 passed protesting. I know how rowdy it gets! But I'm probably the wrong person to ask about rules of decorum though. I can see how it would be counterproductive to reaching uptight fundies, but I can't hate on anyone's form of self expression.
I've got some really great friends that are gay. They are anti all of those gay pride things and don't feel the need to constantly identify themselves as gay, because it's no more a definition of their "self" as being straight defines me. But, I have never, ever understood anyone's hatred for homosexuality. If it's really even a sin, which I'm still not convinced of, it's not one that hurts anyone at all. Too many people and governments are more focused on keeping gay people from down than cleaning up crime and violence. I've never understood it. I see a lot of bumper stickers on people's cars with stick figures representing a man and woman like "man + woman = marriage". It's hate propoganda, yet it's completely acceptable. Those that have such an anger towards gays just for being gay should be ashamed of themselves as human beings. It's not at all easy to come out and live you life as a gay person, so why would one choose instead of being born that way? And the simple fact that people are born gay is the reason I don't believe it's a sin.

/stepping off soapbox now...sorry, this is a subject that I'm quite passionate about.
People should know their place. Their place as equals. If they feel they're less than that they are.
The past 4 years there have been more brutal activists/journalists murders in Russia than the East Germany Stazi period. Right now, Russia exhibits the highest percentage of Neo-Nazis in the planet, them having state support all the time. That's the country that defeated the Nazis in WW2, and now they're dancing to the tunes of National Socialism. Gays are just an example.

Russia, Myanmar, China. 3 words, millions of human rights violations, billions of sudden "dissapearance" cases. Gay rights are not the point here. The point here is the way the officials handled a totally peaceful demontration (kind of reminds me the peace protestations in 2003).
And up until now, I"ve not seen anyone posting anything about the police behaviour.
Not billions. There are not even a Billion people on the planet.

Also, Kent State.
People should know their place. Their place as equals. If they feel they're less than that they are.
There is nothing to suggest they feel less than others, and I don't understand an argument that says feeling like less makes someone less. How is such a position justified? It suggests that anyone who assumes superiority is superior. This means any person who thinks they are better than you or someone else, actually is. Is that your position? The best justification I see for approaching human value in this way is simply that a person who feels like less, might accept that position and so that alone is a reason to pressure them into it. That is not a rational view, it is a primitive social dominance perspective.

Being objects of hate crimes suggests that it's the other people who see them as less. Also, when a group is discriminated against, then a desire to be equal is seen as not knowing their place. I'm not saying that there should be special allowances to let a particular group break laws that are in place, but it isn't reasonable to look at a group and condemn a behavior if it isn't understood. If the cause is not understood, then the effect is not understood.
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Not billions. There are not even a Billion people on the planet.

Also, Kent State.

Yeah I exaggerated for emphasis. I do that alot when I'm angry.
And there are billions of people on the planet...:P 6.
Whats Kent State?
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