[PUG] Political Correctness


Right the First Time!
What is it?

Has it gone mad?

Is it just a label for arbitrary things that bother people?
I dont like PC anymore... I stopped liking it when they started legislating it. It was fine when it was a form of self censorship to spare peoples feelings, now its a beast, and its just plain ole censorship.
Political correctness is in place, because there are some topics, ideas, and phrases that are intrinsicly offensive.

I certainly think that many things have taken political correctness too far, an example is removing "god" from the pledge of allegance. While I do not agree with it being there, the fact that people want it removed because it could "offend" people is just rediciulous. If it offends you, then just ignore it, it does not directly cause any harm to anyone. Yet, I think it is good for people to pratice politcal correctness. Out of keeping the peace in a sense.

That being said, I am a very politically correct person. I am this way mostly because I feel it is the fairest thing to do. Others could become offended. Regardless if I would or not, I take it as my resonsibillity to inusre that others are. Just because I am not offended, does not mean others will be. Again whether or not I agree with their rationalle.
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Political Correctness is only for Politicians.

There was never a politician more politically correct than ENTP Prime Minister of Australia, Paul Keating.

"For Mr Howard to get to the high moral ground, he would first need to climb out of the volcanic hole he had dug for himself over the last decade. It is like one of those diamond mine holes in South Africa. They are about a mile underground. He would have to come a mile up to get to even equilibrium let alone have any contest in morality with Kevin Rudd."

This is the sort of little-boy, stamp your foot stuff which comes from a financial yuppie when you shoe him into parliament.

On the Press:
"...Fucking animals."

"You (Richard Carleton) had an important place in Australian society on the ABC and you gave it up to be a pop star...with a big cheque...and now you're on to this sort of stuff. That shows what a 24 carat pissant you are, Richard, that's for sure"

In conversation with a journalist:
Reporter: You don't talk to ordinary people!
Keating: "Who says I don't ? Who says I don't ? I mean I see as many people as perhaps anyone in public life could..."
Reporter: How long is it since you've been to Fyshwick Markets ?
Keating: "Not long, not long. In fact if you get down to woollies at Manuka on Saturday I'd probably run over you with a trolley as I did a journo recently."

On Independant, Steele Hall:
"The Honorable Member has been in so many parties he is a complete political harlot."

On Former Labour politician, Jim McClelland (over the phone):
"That you Jim? Paul Keating here. Just because you swallowed a f***ing dictionary when you were about 15 doesn't give you the right to pour a bucket of shit over the rest of us."

On Mike Codd:
"Codd will be lucky to get a job cleaning shithouses if I ever become Prime Minister."

On Fund Managers:
"...these donkeys..."
"It must get right up their nose, quaffing down the red wine at these fashionable eateries in Bent Street and Collins Street, with the Prime Minister calling them donkeys - but donkeys they are."

On NSW Minister for Housing, Frank Walker:
"I'm always being attacked by delegate Walker. He's been attacking me ever since I used to touch him up in the [ALP] Youth Council 20 years ago."

To a Uni student protesting about fees:
"Go and get a job!"

That's political correctness.
He's in retirement at the moment.

Politicans retire on a lot of money, PMs retire on about 300,000 a year.
What is it?

Has it gone mad?

Is it just a label for arbitrary things that bother people?

Political Correctness can be defined as the replacement of terms that are typically used in a pejorative or offensive manner - or carry insulting connotations- with terms that have less of a likelihood to offend someone.

Personally, political correctness does not seem like a negative thing when used "properly". There are some terms that indeed carry offensive subtext, especially with regards to the history of the treatment of certain groups. For example I agree with using gender neutral terms when referring to the general population due to negative connotations I see that can be associated with using non gender neutral terms.

It can indeed go " overboard", I suppose; although I cannot draw upon any examples currently.

I also agree with IndigoSensor's stance- that he mentioned in the closing paragraph of his post; that political correctness is useful to observe to lessen the chances of offending someone.
Political Correctness can be defined as the replacement of terms that are typically used in a pejorative or offensive manner - or carry insulting connotations- with terms that have less of a likelihood to offend someone.

Personally, political correctness does not seem like a negative thing when used "properly". There are some terms that indeed carry offensive subtext, especially with regards to the history of the treatment of certain groups. For example I agree with using gender neutral terms when referring to the general population due to negative connotations I see that can be associated with using non gender neutral terms.

It can indeed go " overboard", I suppose; although I cannot draw upon any examples currently.

I also agree with IndigoSensor's stance- that he mentioned in the closing paragraph of his post; that political correctness is useful to observe to lessen the chances of offending someone.
You can't find any examples? What about "African-Americans"?

I did a few classes with a white guy from South Africa, his brother moved to Canada and got citizenship. Technically he's an African American. However, apparently only black people get use of that term. Also, you're only an "All American" if your descent is from England or Scotland. Anywhere else and you seem to put your nation of descent before the "American", as if they're second class citizens.
Where I live I most commonly hear the term used whenever someone takes into account how someone else may feel about things (empathy, compassion, understanding, sympathy etc.) or even just voicing a nuanced or subtle understanding of an issue rather than pure black and white, it is then derided as "too PC".
Political correctness is bad enough in its hypervigilant form, but worst when it comes to the "enforcement." The routine is utter rubbish: a person says something that is construed by someone else as offensive (with little regard to whether the speaker meant or was even previously aware of the offensive connotations), there are loud complaints, the media descend upon the case in search of high ratings, and eventually the speaker either loses shis job, or pretends to be profoundly humbled and contrite, meeting with advocacy groups to plead for forgiveness (perhaps losing shis job anyway, but in any case retaining the scarlet letter for a good long while).
It's a big show of huffiness and regret (occasionally with on-camera sobbing for good measure) that ultimately solves nothing.
Go be politically correct in your own god damned country, you, CANADIAN!