Problems I Have With Psychologist Dr. Phil


1). Dr. Phil does not like the technique of
I just think he's overly pushy and douchey and overly opinionated+closed-minded . He likes working up his crowd of followers way too much and it seems so power-hungry to me.

He's too arrogant and is only interested in TV ratings.
Maybe he used to be better in his younger days ....

agree. He is too self important, arrogant, and has too high an opinoin of himself. He also too often engages in confirmation bias where he believes he is right and simply wants his clients/patients to simply assert or concede that he was right all along. It's less about his clients than about proving himself right or all knowing as he believes himself to be.
agree. He is too self important, arrogant, and has too high an opinoin of himself. He also too often engages in confirmation bias where he believes he is right and simply wants his clients/patients to simply assert or concede that he was right all along. It's less about his clients than about proving himself right or all knowing as he believes himself to be.

Well put.
LOL However, it becomes apparent that sometimes people need to hear stuff in a lot of different ways and sometimes you find wisdom in the oddest places. We can judge Dr. Phil but on some level he connects with a particular type of individual and they feel like they receive a benefit from him. We can judge that what he gives out isn't really beneficial but then Dr. Phil has actually made an impact on said individual's life. It is what it is. If it isn't for you, it isn't for you.
I understand the issues brought up. In many ways the sensationlism of what basically amounts to Reality TV is distasteful and makes a mockery of a intensely personal and painful process (therapy). On some level I do truely doubt that there is anything beneficial from such stuff. I guess I wouldn't want to face the moral implications if I was Dr. Phil. Much better to just label it a Talk Show and not hold a great deal of pretense to the idea that it is some type of true therapy or actual psychological work. That being said, there are still individals who garner some type of benefit--perhaps it generates enough interest for them to want to seek help or encourages them to think of their problems in a more productive manner. Who knows.
He's a real psychologist?

He does have a PhD in Psychology but I believe he is not licensed to practice anywhere in the United States and has not held valid credentials in years.

I too agree that he is arrogant and definitely needs to brush up on his techniques. A good therapist should spend time with their patients and take the first few sessions to get to know them and how their mind works and then apply this to their methods. Anyone who thinks they can "cure" someone during a 45 minute recorded television show is clearly delusional.
Well truth be told, it's television and if he were to take the time to really do it properly the show would be intensely boring, no one would watch and it would get canceled. I see where others are coming from here but to be honest I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of what's put on the show is scripted. Every time I've watched it, it just seemed like a toned down Jerry Springer to me but maybe that's just my perception of it because I haven't really taken the time to find out that much about it.
I'm no fan of Dr Phil, but I think I disagree more on half of your points.

Dr. Phil does have a degree in Psychology but has publicly stated that he doesn't really use what he was taught in school. He prefers to ignore it and instead follow what he considers common sense. I don't think it his his degree that makes him arrogant, just his nature and fame.

It seems pretty clear to me that he is a strong ENTJ that has very little appreciation for the functions he lacks. He isn't particularly concerned with theory or trying to understand why things are the way they are (Ti), with considering many alternate perspectives (Ne), with reflecting on important details of the past (Si), or with how people make decisions based on relating to those around them (Fe). He instead focuses on general guidelines (Te), plans for the future (Ni), living in the present (Se), and being driven towards one's personal values and desires (Fi).
tl; dr most of it...

There is something to be said for being concise..

My problem is that ... wait, he's a real Dr?
I think it is humourous that you take Alex Jones seriously and revile Dr. Phil.
But seriously...
The optimal solution to conflict solving is not us vs. them..
It is not competition, as you seem to suggest.. Relationships aren't all about winning.

If you are interested in maintaining a relationship, It's collaboration.

You are taking a tv personality who focuses on interpersonal relationships and applying his methods to psychopaths and mass murderers.
Of course you can't collaborate with a psychopath or a mass murderer..
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I'll take to defending D.P., not because I necessarily agree with him, his methods or having a T.V. show. But I'll point out that While Magister is right in that he seems to care little for understanding and feelings of those around him, his pragmatic and common sense approach is better for ending fights, feuds and problems. That being said, Understanding why you hate your mom and why she yells at you and how it makes you feel is all fine and dandy, but If I understand that My moms yelling is what upsets me, it doesn't make me any less upset when my mom yells at me.

However, if D.P. tells e that my om is constantly yelling at me because I refuse to pick up my dirty clothing, feed the dog, wash my dishes or flush the toilet, and that if I want her to stop yelling at me I should take responsibility for my belonging and clean up after myself, then I have surefire way to fix problem.

I think the biggest problem people have with him is the drama he creates by approaching the guests on his show. With that being said, people don't watch Maury or Springer for the well thought out discussions and the eventual reconciliation of those involved. He has to approach the show with drama or the show will flop. The biggest difference between D.P. and Springer being that D.P. cares in some way about the outcome for those involved, while he may get in the face of his guests he also invites them into genuine conversation, offers his personal insight in a genuine fashion and seeks help for those involved on more then thirty minute T.V. program basis(as shown by referring his guests to psychologists or places of treatment on the shows budget).

With that being said, going to D.P. for your psychological needs is like going to judge Judy for your divorce. Sure it may work out possibly, but it's likely a to be a waste of time as millions of people laugh, scorn and mock you from the comfort of their own homes.


ACD posted before I finished my comment, and I'd just like to note that Massachusetts based murders are just as much people as Florida based ones or any other state for that matter.
I regret my insensitivity to the issue @Barnabas .
You will be receiving a notarized letter of apology via first class mail.
I will personally see to it that Gilbert Gottfried has been paid in full to verbally deliver the apology to you and the good state of Florida on each and every one of your door steps as I will be out of the country and on business at the time.
I was really expecting a photo of a white duck, but still the only thing my head with that image is "whats up with his lack chin?" However that is off topic and not for discussion on this thread, I'll contemplate making a another thread to discuss the lack of feathers chin. Either way enjoy your business, don't sleep with to many painted women, also if your in Africa 1 in 3 people suffer from the AIDs virus and as such don't forget to pack your own condoms.

now back to Dr. Phil
Dr. Phil does have a degree in Psychology but has publicly stated that he doesn't really use what he was taught in school. He prefers to ignore it and instead follow what he considers common sense. I don't think it his his degree that makes him arrogant, just his nature and fame.

Dr. Phil may have stated this but his techniques do tend to mirror reality therapy ( and the humanistic/phenomenological approaches.

It seems pretty clear to me that he is a strong ENTJ that has very little appreciation for the functions he lacks.

How do you know that he is an ENTJ? Or is that your personal assumption?

He isn't particularly concerned with theory or trying to understand why things are the way they are (Ti), with considering many alternate perspectives (Ne), with reflecting on important details of the past (Si), or with how people make decisions based on relating to those around them (Fe). He instead focuses on general guidelines (Te), plans for the future (Ni), living in the present (Se), and being driven towards one's personal values and desires (Fi).

Which mirrors the phenomenological/humanistic approaches.
I think it is humourous that you take Alex Jones seriously and revile Dr. Phil.

Well, remember, it is simply not just Alex Jones himself, it is the various experts that come onto his show like neurosurgeons, historians, and various financial experts.

But seriously...
The optimal solution to conflict solving is not us vs. them..
It is not competition, as you seem to suggest.. Relationships aren't all about winning.

If you are interested in maintaining a relationship, It's collaboration.

Note I did say sometimes violence is the perfect answer.

You are taking a tv personality who focuses on interpersonal relationships and applying his methods to psychopaths and mass murderers.
Of course you can't collaborate with a psychopath or a mass murderer..

I disagree, how does someone who is bullied a psychopath or a mass murderer?
Dr Phil's psychology presumes a loud-mouthed, opinionated, aggressive, materialistic, white mid-western american personality is the ideal of a normal psyche.

What could be more more repulsive? It colors everything he says.
Dr. Phil is a human being like any other. Sometimes he's right and sometimes he is not.

The truth is there are two ways to act in this world with others, as adversary or as mutually cooperative beings. The second requires willing partners and builds strong relationships. The first establishes winners and losers. The trick is to know which system is appropriate when and to adjust accordingly. In a marriage mutuality is always appropriate. If one partner isn't interested in acting cooperatively then leave the marriage because a winner and a loser will be established and it's better if the loser is not you.

In the case of sociopaths. It is difficult to recognize them because our mind rails against their existence. When you do get the hell away from them. It isn't complicated.

Countries. They are a lost cause.