But Satya, I think you haven't grasped the crucial point: it's turtles all the way down!

But Satya, I think you haven't grasped the crucial point: it's turtles all the way down!
So, it comes down to having faith, or not having faith. Personally, I think a discussion about whether one should have faith or not have faith would be more fruitful. It might potentially have a final, logical answer.
LOL, Satya, I agree with you. I was about to go off into something similar to this, but realized it was a tangent and deleted it before I posted. LOL. How very cool that you did it anyway.Wouldn't it be more of debate about having faith in an invisible, omniscient sky daddy verses having faith in the process of deriving empirical evidence through experimentation and observation? Can you only have faith in a deity? Is there some reason people can't have faith in science? Is it wrong for people to have more faith in science, which has done more to progress humanity, than believing in a silent, invisible spiritual being ever has?
But yes, what is faith? Is there categories of faith - faith that your partners not cheating on you, versus faith in the spaghetti monster? Why should 'faith' be limited to a greater being (like the spaghetti monster - which I loved the idea and pic of btw)--or why shouldn't it? Are belief and faith any different from one another or are they mutually exclusive?
OR, is there a problem with the word 'faith' itself? Do we use it for too much? Is it too encompassing? Is it the same feeling one has that is faith in the spaghetti god versus faith that santa claus will bring toys or that your friends will be there for you when you're down?
Finally, what evidence do we post our faith on?
Does one need ANY sort of evidence for faith?
It seems that a single thing can be the object of either KNOWLEDGE or FAITH. For example: some philosophers know that there must be cause of the existence of everything that observably exists; and some religious people believe in an existing cause of everything. ie. philosophers know of God, believers believe in God.
I agree this is most likely true.However, the existence of a supernatural being and belief in what this being communicates of itself are distinct.
Flavus, I understand where you're coming from, but have a difficulty with your beginning and ending, especially your beginning.
I'm sorry, this is not logical to me. A philosopher cannot 'know' that, and a religious person may 'know' because of belief. I'm sorry, this doesn't work for me.
The middle part I can see, except for the use of the word philosopher - maybe scientist would be better - and I am not sure faith has anything to do with God communicating with someone in all cases of belief. It sounds specifically like you are talking about major religion, which may or may not have anything to do with faith (but I digress).
So, I guess I'm saying, please show me why belief is about communication with a deity? Or why a philosopher knows, but a religious person believes but doesn't know.
I agree this is most likely true.
Interesting way to prove your point between drawing a separation between knowing and believing! It's a very interesting idea - I just don't know that it's been proven yet that they are separate or mutually exclusive ideas.
Ok, so you're saying:
1. A philosopher studies the 'why' of things
2. A philosopher who believes in a higher power, does so because they 'know' it, through studying both sides of the God debate (I assume)
3. A religious person, who is not a philosopher, believes, but doesn't 'know' because...
4. One cannot both know and believe.
(and why not?)
I just don't know that I can see it fully fleshed yet... I'm trying, though! This would be so much easier if we were all sitting in the same room - lol!
But, I really like what you said in your last paragraph between philosophers and scientists. I can see that - Cool!
Ok, bit by bit here.A religious person, who is not a philosopher, believes, but doesn't 'know' because...
Because very few people have the time or inclination to undertake philosophical studies - and even then there are so many intrusions from schools dedicated to sophistry and not wisdom, that very few ever come to knowledge of the highest causes. However, because knowledge of the highest causes brings about the greatest intellectual satisfaction, and is the essence of what beleivers call beatitude, it is fitting and kind that God should make certain knowledge of himself available to all, through belief and not through study.
Indeed, the truths of faith are more certain than the truths of knowledge, because, as said, philosophy is difficult and fraught with much room for error. The believer is relying on God not to deceive him/her - and given that God, whatever he might be like, is a being so superior to us, so that he could not make intellectual mistakes, nor profit anything from our deception - the believer's truths are more secure than those of a philosopher.
As for not being able to believe/know something at the same time: you can hold that there is a cat in the next room on the basis of believing the report to be true. However, if you see the cat in there, your knowledge is then direct and not indirect through a report. So you then know, not believe that there is a cat (Your trust that the report was accurate remains unchanged). Indeed, Christians hold that in the next life two of the three "theological virtues" will be disolved: in heaven there will remain neither faith nor hope, because they will be replaced by the immediate vision of God and the firm possesion of this. Only charity, that is love will remain unchanged.
1. Greatest intellectual satisfaction is arbitrary, and changes for everyone.However, because knowledge of the highest causes brings about the greatest intellectual satisfaction, and is the essence of what beleivers call beatitude, it is fitting and kind that God should make certain knowledge of himself available to all, through belief and not through study.
1. This assumes that a higher power is 'good.'Indeed, the truths of faith are more certain than the truths of knowledge, because, as said, philosophy is difficult and fraught with much room for error. The believer is relying on God not to deceive him/her - and given that God, whatever he might be like, is a being so superior to us, so that he could not make intellectual mistakes, nor profit anything from our deception - the believer's truths are more secure than those of a philosopher.
1. No, you don't know there is a cat. You believe there is a cat because you see it and you trust your own perceptions (which may not be true either, but that's a different argument).As for not being able to believe/know something at the same time: you can hold that there is a cat in the next room on the basis of believing the report to be true. However, if you see the cat in there, your knowledge is then direct and not indirect through a report. So you then know, not believe that there is a cat (Your trust that the report was accurate remains unchanged). Indeed, Christians hold that in the next life two of the three "theological virtues" will be disolved: in heaven there will remain neither faith nor hope, because they will be replaced by the immediate vision of God and the firm possesion of this. Only charity, that is love will remain unchanged.
Oh, crikey, I don't want to keep disagreeing with you..... Your beliefs sounds lovely and very personal, so please know that I am not criticizing your personal beliefs, just your argument.
Ok, bit by bit here.
1. Greatest intellectual satisfaction is arbitrary, and changes for everyone.
2. This is a religious belief, including belief in your higher power as 'him.'
1. This assumes that a higher power is 'good.'
2. This assumes that a higher power cares.
3. This assumes that a higher power would not care to deceive.
I could go on but that's enough for now.
1. No, you don't know there is a cat. You believe there is a cat because you see it and you trust your own perceptions (which may not be true either, but that's a different argument).
2. Lovely sentiment. Not fact, but a lovely idea.
The proof of the mystic law of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. This means the mystic law of cause and effect through sound and vibration. Renge means lotus blossum. Lotus seeds and blooms simultaneously and they grow in the yuckiest places. It represents the simultanaity of cause and effect. When you chant you purify your life. I needed a jog a few years ago and I chanted 5 hours a day for 3 days. A week and a half later I was moving to North Carolina to take on a position at a school.