Proselyte notmeganfox


Hi friends. I'm INTJ and I'm agnostic. Is it possible for me to believe in God? How would that come about?
At this point in your life, you're probably steadfast in your beliefs and nothing I can say on here could change em. You'd need something pretty radical to happen to you to shake things up.

I would suggest a career change to something insanely life-threatening!
Dynamite truck driver?
Volcano spelunker?
Volcano truck driver?

Go for something really crazy.
At this point in your life, you're probably steadfast in your beliefs and nothing I can say on here could change em. You'd need something pretty radical to happen to you to shake things up.

I would suggest a career change to something insanely life-threatening!
Dynamite truck driver?
Volcano spelunker?
Volcano truck driver?

Go for something really crazy.

Why do you want to believe in god?
Yes it is possible for an agnostic to beleive in god if you come across evidence that he does indeed exist.

I doubt you have found this evidence though so I would think no.
Life's easier if you believe in God. Things have meaning and there is always hope.
Life's easier if you believe in God. Things have meaning and there is always hope.

Not relevant. How does this affect the likelihood that god exists?

What you would like to be true should have no impact on what you beleive to be true. If you disagree with this then you are not agnostic
Not relevant. How does this affect the likelihood that god exists?

What you would like to be true should have no impact on what you beleive to be true. If you disagree with this then you are not agnostic

u talking to an INTJ son, this is 101 to me :)

but real INTJs (like REAL REAL REAL INTJs, MAD REAL) leave tons room for doubt
u talking to an INTJ son, this is 101 to me :)

but real INTJs (like REAL REAL REAL INTJs, MAD REAL) leave tons room for doubt

Agnostics are "allowed" to hope. that is really the point. We hold out hope that something good happens when you die but how can you beleive it when there is no proof whatsoever?
I don't know. But I'm not so quick to conclude. Maybe there is proof. Maybe I don't need proof. Yeah that's right. MAYBE I DON'T NEED PROOF.
I think it'd be helpful if more humans recognized the truth.
Believing in God isn't about having an easier life.

Some people don't believe in truth.
Some people believe in nothing.

There is plenty of evidence of the existence.
It exists inside and outside of us.

Where do you think love comes from?
So what is God to you? What do you want God to be?

Do something drastic.
Keep searching for God.
Start over.