Proximity of various N-S types


On Holiday
Why is it that some N-S types seem to be closer to each other than others? In my experience, INFP and ISFP are very similar, whereas for example INTP and ISTP are very different (though, often, the latter think they're INTP). Can I have your thoughts on this one?
INFPs tend to be oblivious to their surroundings, but quickly can pick up on the tenor of your emotions... whilst ISFPs will notice almost immediately if you have changed your hair/got a hair cut.

When my ISFP friend is upset, we always "do something" while we talk about it. When my INFP friend is upset, we usually have a very long, winding conversation about it.
Also, when I read posts by ISFPs vs. INFPs, the ISFPs seem to "react" in their posts, whereas INFPs will go on and on and on in web of ideas.
INFP and ISFP are both Fi dominant.
INTP and ISTP are both Ti dominant.

Just because they're N and S types doesn't mean that they're going to be so different from each other. Hell even INTJs and ISTJs can be confused with one another despite being different perceptive dominants (Ni can be confused with Si and vice versa).

Edit: Basically each type tends to be closest to the type it shares dominant perception with, and that which polarizes the dominant somewhat (Ti/Fi, Se/Ne, ect).

So an INTJ would be similar to an INFJ and an ISTJ.
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Why is it that some N-S types seem to be closer to each other than others? In my experience, INFP and ISFP are very similar, whereas for example INTP and ISTP are very different (though, often, the latter think they're INTP). Can I have your thoughts on this one?

Have you had more experience with isfps and infps than istps and intps?

I think that N-S types are only superficially similar. I think that dominant function pairs are much more similar. I think it has a lot to do with the nature of the individual dominant function and the relationship with the secondary function. Each function is so different and effects the overall personality differently depending on the function order and grouping.

Maybe ISFPs and INFPs seem more similar because Fi is such an all encompassing function, and really draws the user in. Both ISFPs and INFPs actively use their secondary function to gather data but seem to phase out in Fi for extended periods of processing and developing time. Fi reminds of me of Ni in some ways in that it can be wholy engaging for the user. And just an obscure personal observation- ISFPs and INFPs seem to have some physical appearance similarities as well.

Ti, for ISTPs and INTPs seems less all encompassing than Fi for IFPs. When I interact with ITPs I can normally see their secondary function straight away. ISTPs seem to look around a lot, keeny attuned to their external environment, and very obbservant, and with INTPs I notice the speculative theorising, talk of possibilities and this excited spark or bubblyness in their eyes.

I dont think I, as an INFJ have much in common with an ISFJ except for very superficial similarities. The extraverted feeling secondary function is apparent in both types straight away in some observable actions and behaviours but the overall mindest, presence, and approach to life seems very different to me. I feel there is much more similarity between INFJ and INTJ because of the dominant shared function.

I think there are several ways to group types to isolate and consider the strength of various functions and how they effect the overall personality. I think this can be more useful than simply looking at the
I-E, S-N etc dichotomies. I find the dichotomies interesting and useful, but sometimes they can be misleading and not relavant. Preferences on a dichtomy scale can greatly vary for individuals, eg 51% N or 99% N etc

Keirseys- NFs, SPs, NTs, SJs
Dominant function pairs- Ni, Ne, Fi, Fe, Ti, Te, Si, Se

FJs- extraverted feeling
FPs- introverted feeling
Tjs- extraverted thinking
TPs- introverted thinking
NPs- extraverted inuition
Njs- introverted inuition
SPs-extraverted sensing
SJs- introverted sensing

I hope some of this makes sense and isnt too confusing. It has been hard for me to artculate and find words for what I want to say.
Hell even INTJs and ISTJs can be confused with one another despite being different perceptive dominants (Ni can be confused with Si and vice versa).

Ni can be confused with Si? I've never seen this. I see that INTJs and ISTJs both use Te to order their environments, but otherwise, INTJs are more forthright and more openminded.

I think that dominant function pairs are much more similar.

I see a lot of similarities socially between me and INTJs. It's weird. But they are much neater and plainer in their appearance. In terms of speaking, they have a much more focused way to talking. I like to get things down to the core essence of something -- when people obviously will not respect a drawn-out or sloppy analysis. But INTJs always seem do this.
Probably because people aren't all that different when it comes down to it.
Probably because people aren't all that different when it comes down to it.
That seems to be a constant option to consider in my mind as well, but they do express themselves remarkably differently and find friendships in different types of people, despite behaving similarly.
I see that INTJs and ISTJs both use Te to order their environments, but otherwise, INTJs are more forthright and more openminded.

Which is a rather closedminded statement considering you're supposed to be Ni dominant yourself.

My case in point.

Ni/Si, Ne/Se, Fi/Ti, and Fe/Te can all be used to mimic each other.
Which is a rather closedminded statement considering you're supposed to be Ni dominant yourself.

Ni/Si, Ne/Se, Fi/Ti, and Fe/Te can all be used to mimic each other.

It was more of a sentiment and conjecture than an empirical conclusion. Hence the difference between my Ni and your Si :w:

Te can mimic Fe. I have seen how this works. The Te "caring" is rather intriguing. I've even tried using it myself :w:
Because people mistype themselves, because they ignorantly think that having an "N" or a "T" in your type somehow makes you intelligent. A ridiculous notion and quite ironic.
It may be a difference in.... A lot of things.

For example, between the people we're using for comparison.
1) Different form of (the same) functions.
Functions are used to describe a set of behaviors, attitudes, and methodical approaches in dealing with problems. But beneath all those, we all creates reasoning, rationales, beliefs, ideas and ideals -- things Jung seems to wisely not peg on...? Affected by culture, experience, knowledge and exposure; it's safe to say that some can be more similar than others; while others can be VERY different.
So A's Se, and B's Se, under different ideals, may result in a different sort of thing altogether.

2) Different effect caused by the order of functions.
Speaking in terms of JCF; one function together with another can mean different thing ([MENTION=2873]Serenity[/MENTION] gave a perfect example up there)
Hell, even the same order of functions can mean different things. But we're talking about different type.
NiFe and SiFe are pretty much different. The same like NiFe and NiTe...etc.

3) Enneagram, as per usual.
MBTI tend to describe the HOW; Ennea tend to describe the WHY. Different intentions / goals >> Different ways on dealing with it >> Different result. Maybe the people being used as comparison have different ennea types, which in practice can make someone look a lot like other types (personal example; my 6ness heavily augmented certain parts of me that, if I described it in common terms, will be seen as Fi, and Si.)

Of course, there might be truth in your truth; in which case...hmm.

I'd say Fi as a trait has more variety and shades, compared to Ti. Logic and practicality may have so many forms, but personal expression? Hoo boy.
Fe and Te, OTOH, might have similar amount of shades..... as long as we're talking about one type of culture. Multiculturally, Fe wins.
Ni and Si -- *LAUGHS* Ni wins in variety and depth. Si feels like that stable pillar we'd like to lean on.
Ne and Se -- Ne wins in idea-related variety. Se wins in sensation-related diversity

The ones having more shades and variety are easier to be shaped with related functions, so to speak. But we're talking in JCF as a primary theory, while in reality it's......our personality that shaped the 'codes', aren't they?
Because people mistype themselves

"Mistype" could as well be the expression of a too narrowly designed model, which I believe the MBTI is. You are also making the mistake by taking type as a benchmark instead of being an expression. Which leads me to this...

I'd say Fi as a trait has more variety and shades, compared to Ti. Logic and practicality may have so many forms, but personal expression? Hoo boy. Fe and Te, OTOH, might have similar amount of shades...

The MBTI doesn't have enough shades.

Also from my experience, I've changed my way of thinking with every new institution I joined. Te, Ti, Ne, Ni, Fi - I could do all of those quite well at different times. And if you create a model founded on neurological data (not Nardi, I mean professional) I'm pretty sure one of things it will show is that it's more chaotic than the order MBTI suggests.