

Is it right for me to feel repulsed by things in this world? Should I check myself when these judgmental feelings are generated? Should I dislike something just because I'm inclined to instinctively at first? How far should I let my instincts guide my life?
Is it right for me to feel repulsed by things in this world? Should I check myself when these judgmental feelings are generated? Should I dislike something just because I'm inclined to instinctively at first? How far should I let my instincts guide my life?

Believe it or not, I know what you are talking about.
During a time in my life, I thought, “What right do I have to not like something or someone”. Who am I to judge anything in this way.
I think we have a right to live out lives being what we are. So long as we do not effect someone else in the negative, its completely fine to like or not like things. We are individuals all with our own perspective and we have a right to that perspective.
A long time ago I had a group of friends (Yes I know I have become even more introverted than I was in the past). One day a guy that I ultimately didn’t like showed up and was accepted into this group. I was “repulsed” by this person. I tried to see around it using the thinking of “What right do I have not to like someone.” But it never took. Rather than enforce my will and try to eject this person, I decided to leave.
Its alright. You are you and you have every right to be you.
Believe it or not, I know what you are talking about.
During a time in my life, I thought, “What right do I have to not like something or someone”. Who am I to judge anything in this way.
I think we have a right to live out lives being what we are. So long as we do not effect someone else in the negative, its completely fine to like or not like things. We are individuals all with our own perspective and we have a right to that perspective.
A long time ago I had a group of friends (Yes I know I have become even more introverted than I was in the past). One day a guy that I ultimately didn’t like showed up and was accepted into this group. I was “repulsed” by this person. I tried to see around it using the thinking of “What right do I have not to like someone.” But it never took. Rather than enforce my will and try to eject this person, I decided to leave.
Its alright. You are you and you have every right to be you.

Would it have been wrong to enforce your will against them?

Was it right for this person to enforce their preferences, in effect repulsing you and causing you to leave in the first place?
Would it have been wrong to enforce your will against them?

Was it right for this person to enforce their preferences, in effect repulsing you and causing you to leave in the first place?

I suppose it comes down to caring. If I cared enough, if something I cared about was being effected, things might have turned out differently.

I try to live my life by not doing things that effect other people in the negative. The person had as much right to be there as I did so I dont think causing them to leave would have been an answer. However telling them to leave me alone would have been acceptable. Explaining "Hey you and I aren't on the same wave length and Id just prefer for you to keep you distance" might have negative effect on them but sorry, that relates directly to me. It might take a couple of times to get the point across nicely.

Anyway as I said in the end I just didnt care enough to go that route. Influencing the world is as much your right as anyone. I only offer that when you do, you either have a passive effect or a positive one. Make the effort for it not to be negative.

They did not cause me to leave through deliberate action to my knowledge so thats kind of irrelevant.
Instincts are important, you have them for a reason whether they're leading you to food or away from danger they're all about survival. That doesn't mean they're always right just that they serve a purpose if you're getting warning signs and feeling repulsed by something but can't find any immediate danger in it then perhaps you need to examine why you feel that way before discerning what course of action you should take based on those instincts.
Is it right for me to feel repulsed by things in this world? Should I check myself when these judgmental feelings are generated? Should I dislike something just because I'm inclined to instinctively at first? How far should I let my instincts guide my life?

When you are repulsed it may or may not be instinctual. Our instincts are (the way i understand it) those unconscious drives or aspects within us which drive the species to survive. It may be that a repulsion or a gut negative reaction to a person or a situation is more about what we have repressed. For instance if we see someone acting in a way that we know is immoral and it also really bothers us it may be that we have repressed our own desire to do exactly the same thing. Thing is if we don't find a way to integrate this desire into our consciousness then we run the risk of having an "episode" in our life in which we live out the repressed content.
This is the natural 'program' of Fe and Fi: it judges with feelings.
Strong dislikes can arise because of certain impressions that play the role of a fantasy. I think its dangeroud to be lead by them. Ultimately, they are a form of passion.
I think this can generate out of good, in a sense, but the difficulty is to tell wether what you dislike is good or not.