Quick Enneagram Question

Saru Inc

Schrödinger's Pussy

So I just took the Enneagram, and I got:

Type One: 10
Type Two: 52
Type Three: 20
Type Four: 41
Type Five: 28
Type Six: 56
Type Seven: 50
Type Eight: 30
Type Nine: 28

So, if my primary one is 6, but my second highest is 2, why would the test say:

"Your probable Enneagram Type

Your main type is 6.
Considering the wings you should be a 6w7."

Did I do this wrong? Lol. Quick explanation is greatly appreciated.

nope basically your wing is one of the two points next to your main type. so like a 3 could have a 2 or a 4 wing, but not a 6 or 7 wing, bc they're not directly next to it. i think your results said you have a higher 7 preference than 5 so if youre type is 6, you'd have a 7 wing.
could you post a link to the test?
It's possible that the two is part of your tri-type, or the test assigns specific characteristics that could be attributed to more than one type to just one particular type on the test, ie: generalizing

Your tri-type consists of one type in each center of intelligence: Head (5, 6, 7), Heart (2, 3, 4) and Instinct (8, 9, 1). So your tri-type is Head-Heart-Instinct, although the order of which type leads, and which types follow are entirely individual and the pattern is unique to you. Although one Enneagram Type is dominant, you also use the two other types in a consistent order. It helps account for the marked differences in people who share the same type. For example, no two personality type 8's might be the same. Thanks to their differences in tri-type, one type 8 personality might be creative, energetic and emotional (8-7-4) and another can be more reserved, loyal and service-oriented (8-2-6). In practice, this means that while the leading needs are eight (fear of disempowerment, need to protect) if the typical eight characteristics do not assist in securing these needs, you will fall back on any of your other two types and their respective wings in efforts to attain your goals.

Therefore, it is possible to hit it up a bunch of separate, seemingly unrelated points of the enneagram and still have a dominant type. This is what makes the enneagram a much more holistic approach to personality than MBTI, in my opinion.

I hope this explains why you score higher and lower on your enneagram test (although I would take a few other enneagram tests over the next couple of days to see if a consistent pattern emerges).