Reaction to Someone Being "Scared"


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I am curious to how people will react to seeing this video, as there seems to be a bit of a divide on the opinions, all though I do not want to say them at risk of priming this.

This is a video of two guys playing a prank on a girl to scare her. The don't physically do anything to her, only show her something. Nevertheless her reaction is pretty strong so just know that.

After you watch, post what your reaction and internal feelings are to this:

My reaction is...
Either it's staged or that girl has serious issues.
It really didn't seem real to me. I think I would have felt some empathy or at least sympathy for the girl had it seemed real.
But something was just off...

Either way I don't find it funny (or see how anyone could) but it kind of seems like she was in on it.
The way they were comforting her. They seemed to really care about how she was feeling. If it was real, why would they post it on youtube?
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Hmm. I don't think I've ever been that scared by anything in my life. I feel panic and fear about things but never to the point where I have a complete break down and default into fetal position. I think sometimes screaming and breaking down can give you an incredible release of emotions but I don't think it's something I'd want to experience.
Pranks are okay, but that was really too much.
I don't think seeing someone crying like that is funny. =/

But what really make those guys the official douchebag certificate is that they posted it on internet. =/


that girl is the hottest i have seen in my life i want to meet her

That comment however was funny xD

I highly doubt type is related to that tough.
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I think your introduction kind of triggered my internet desensitization because I went into it with the "Oh, another 'x reaction' video" mentality and never really cared. My only feeling towards it was that the "monster" wasn't very interesting, I have no idea how a child-sized figure can be so scary, and considering its position in the room and the area around it, could she even really see it when she walked in? How did it not just blend in until she hit the light, briefly jumped, then noticed it had no bloody features?

So if anyone wants to buy me something for Christmas, I think my Disbelief Suspension Mechanism needs some new pistons.
I laughed, the only time i get really anxious about someone elses feelings is when they are influenced by drugs, i watched a friend go into a paranoid rage on a bad lsd trip and it got to me, bad.
Fear isn't a big emotional trigger for me, I'm more effected by sadness and the sort. With something that's a fight or flight kind of thing, I can get a little caught up in the moment.
All of that is irrelevant to this specific video however, as I've seen it before, so it's more of a "how could these people be so terrible? The prank is one thing, but laughing at her when she's crying like that is just horrible. And to post it on the internet for all to see, sickening..."
In a way, I did feel emotionally attached in a just/unjust sort of way, instead of raw emotional.
I don't think it's funny. I think she is genuinely triggered, in fight or flight mode. What I feel is a kind of precursor to anger. I see it as a violation, the act, them recording her reaction, and then uploading it. Emotionally slapped her across the face and laugh at her cowering. What a bunch of douche-bags.

I found it a little amusing but not overly so, I didn't like that she went fetal, there's something a little odd about her though, she seems like one of those high maintenance types with childlike emotional intelligence and I'm taking that from her expressions when she was recovering not during the scare, the tones in her voice are pretty horrible too but I guess it's a little unfair to judge given the limited footage, would better if the scripted bit at the start was recorded.

I'm a little surprised that someone could have such an intense reaction from a small prop like that without having a phobia.

I dunno, I don't like to see people get that scared and if something didn't seem a bit odd about the whole thing I would've felt pretty disgusted.
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It only seemed a tad staged, the ending part especially. The part where she was scared did get me though. Just the crying part. Made me feel tensed up. The screaming seemed a tad forced, though. I dunno. If I had first hand witnessed it, I'd be a lot more effected but the internet makes me skeptical a lot.
I found it a little amusing but not overly so, I didn't like that she went fetal, there's something a little odd about her though, she seems like one of those high maintenance types with childlike emotional intelligence and I'm taking that from her expressions when she was recovering not during the scare, the tones in her voice are pretty horrible too but I guess it's a little unfair to judge given the limited footage, would better if the scripted bit at the start was recorded.

I'm a little surprised that someone could have such an intense reaction from a small prop like that without having a phobia.

I dunno, I don't like to see people get that scared and if something didn't seem a bit odd about the whole thing I would've felt pretty disgusted.

She said something along the lines of having nightmares like that, so she probably does have an issue with it on some level.
I felt quite horrible watching that. I had to numb myself in order to watch it quietly and appear contained on the outside. Her vocal reaction was painful, and then watching her on the floor in that position made me feel as though she was being dominated as part of an assault. The latter wasn't because of her crying (which made it sound a bit over the top) but her physical position alone. The second half of the video didn't have nearly as strong of an effect on me; I felt some of my judgments and hurts come to the surface.

May I know why you're asking - are you trying to gauge anything?
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