Recalling parents


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Are there any people or characters that recall some essence of your parents (or other loved one) to you?

Melissa Leo's character in Frozen River recalled my mom to me so strongly in her struggle to care for her family and provide herself a little bit of luxury (even if it's dime store luxury) in the midst of poverty.

Pearl Fryar in A Man Named Pearl recalled my dad so much I actually bought the movie and sent it to him as a gift. I included a note telling him how much Pearl's outgoing, hard-working, optimistic generosity reminded me of him. He called to thank me and told me he cried when he opened the package. I felt happy knowing I'd made him happy.
I really love your characterization of your parents--and now there are two movies I want to see that I hadn't known about before. What a loving thing to send your father a copy of the movie.

As for my own parents, the closest I can come with my mother is an improbable combination of two of Tennessee Williams's characters: Blanche DuBois from A Streetcar Named Desire and Laura Wingate in The Glass Menagerie.

I have yet to come up with a character who reminds me of my dad.

Great thread, though.
My mom is a combination of Deanna Troi of Startreck TNG, and Galadriel of The Lord of the Rings.

My dad is a combination of Ronald Lee Ermey, the real life marine corp. drill instructor from the movie Full Metal Jacket, and Tony Soprano of The Sopranos. He isn't an evil person though so he does not break the law at all.

For both of these, it actually fits their essence really well (note, parents divorced when I was 4, they since had strongly disliked each other).
As for my own parents, the closest I can come with my mother is an improbable combination of two of Tennessee Williams's characters: Blanche DuBois from A Streetcar Named Desire and Laura Wingate in The Glass Menagerie

I can imagine both the emotional fragility and spiritual strength in that combination.

IndigoSensor said:
My mom is a combination of Deanna Troi of Startreck TNG, and Galadriel of The Lord of the Rings.

Awesome. That is meant in both the colloquial way, but also in the way of inspiring slightly fearful awe. She sounds loving, gentle, wise, and able to see through mountains.

Thanks for playing, guys. It's nice getting to know you better through your parents.