I'm new, but might as well introduce myself, I recently learned I'm an INFJ this past year, I'm Catholic, and I'm 16, but back to my topic, Going through my Junior year in high school, I've recently taken an AP Biology course, which I passed with flying colors, but at the cost of realizing that the world around me has changed significantly. I started my ministry age 5 in kindergarten and received my confirmation last year, and I've been happy since, until recently one day when I was just thinking in my head if there a really is a God, after taking that AP Course I look at the world differently and think logically how could there be one despite all the evidence against the possibility of there actually being a God. We have fossils and evidence of the Earth being more than 6 Billion years old. I am at a crossroads right now trying to believe there is a God, but it seems more and more I am disappointed. In the answers the church has given me, as well as friends, but they all say the same thing, that "God is testing me", which I also find hard to believe, why would he also hurt the world and its people, despite my knowledge gained from my ministry, things just don't make sense. I am looking into atheism, but I haven't told my family yet. Just looking at the forums, I can see that there is a community here who can really help others.
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