

Si master race.
Why are the Republicans debating each other so much? Why dont the big wigs just pick a candidate to run?
Better question: Why aren't the liberals debating each other so much?

Ok. I'm not sure if that was really a better question or not. So if anything, my thoughts would be on the fact that the GOP figures they HAVE to stop Obama from being re-elected, or it all goes to shit. Well, worse shit than it is right now. They just can't figure out how to do it together.

Personally I dread the day Obama gets re-elected. HOwever, if the economy gets even worse after Obama's 2nd term I'll just LOL at all the people saying Obama's fixing the economy.

Although I also dread romney and gingrich and their haterade on my gayterade.
I personally feel that both groups are so polarized right now. And by that, I mean each group is polarized on one of two sides of each group. I feel like there is the majority of Democrats and Republicans who have drifted more toward the center. Based on what I've observed, much of the more centrist Republicans are typically younger. Teens, through early 30's, perhaps. I've seen many stark Republicans become much more lenient within the last few years because they are aware enough to give Obama credit where credit is due. The stark and blindly faithful group (the minority, at least in society), are the type to call Obama a socialist and Muslim terrorist. These two groups obviously want different things. The more centrist Republicans are more willing to reach a compromise, whereas the others will not have it any other way than their way, which is, of course, completely detrimental to fixing the country.

For the Democrats, the more centrist ones are the ones who are also more willing to compromise. They understand that Obama hasn't done all that he promised he'd do, and they criticize him for that, but they also understand that most of the stagnation comes from the dead-beat Congress we have. The more leftist Democrats are the ones who have blind faith in Obama and are all liberal or nothing - also a minority. I think the Democrat party is debating within itself less because the extreme leftist group is more of a minority than the rightist minority. I think liberals, even the extreme, all have the same basic wants and desires, whereas much of conservative value comes from tradition and religion, which is VERY subjective.

Long story short, I think there's more gray area in conservative philosophy. Which is funny, since the loud ones are all "this is this and that is that." Black and white. But because conservative philosophy is borne from theology and traditional family values, there is so much room for interpretation depending on what theology an individual is coming from.

I hope that made sense. That's the way I see it. The good news, though, is that I truly do think that we're on the verge of a socio-political awakening. I feel big change coming.
They think they can win the presidency. That's why they debate each other. Not much happening with the Dems this year because everyone has closed ranks around Obama.

Change? Hope? Change? Hope? Hello? Can anyone hear me over the roar of the raging river of lobbyist money?
Neither the Dems nor the Reps have the will and the backing to do what it takes to fix the economy. If you look at the numbers, it is largely out of the government's hands.

Of course they will promise to fix the economy, and this works because people who haven't studied economics at all think that it is relatively simple for the government to fix the economy. It would require significant changes in our government and economic structure to 'fix' the economy, i.e. to reduce unemployment.
Personally I dread the day Obama gets re-elected. HOwever, if the economy gets even worse after Obama's 2nd term I'll just LOL at all the people saying Obama's fixing the economy.

The US won't be able to fix their economy if Europe goes down. You can't even imagine. Obama didn't fix the economy, but his foreign policy record is quite good.
The US (and most of Europe) needs to enforce painful austerity post haste.

The problem is that the populace of both regions can't stomach short term pain for long term gain.

This is why the republicans are busy trying to 'pick' a candidate who appeals to the 'correct' masses. Regardless none of the politicians will bite the bullet and do what is required to restore faith in society and entrepreneurship.

Political parties are appeal machines and they do what they are told. True individualist ethical politicians who re-invented societies to solve problems e.g. Eisenhower/Churchill/Roosevelt/Gorbachev are now footnotes of history because they simply aren't popular enough in the current media environment.

A poor economy and currency caused by poor governments.

In a democracy people don't get the governments they want, they get the governments they deserve.
its not hard, even an untrained baboon could have a better foreign policy than the us's last president

Cleaning up a mess isn't that easy. Also foreign policy is maintenance: aftermaths of the Facebook revolutions, China-Taiwan, China in Africa, the new confidence of some Latin American countries, India, Iran etc.
Why are the Republicans debating each other so much? Why dont the big wigs just pick a candidate to run?

The GOP relies on two forces to win elections.

1. A disciplined, reliable base of voters who will go to the polls and vote.

2. Capture of a significant number of Independent voters, usually the ones that share the basic elements of conservatism that has been the mainstay of Republican political theory of low overall taxes and a using the Military to ensure world wide respect of US economic interests.

After years of paying lip service to real conservatism the GOP has found itself in a position where a large chunk of its reliable base no longer trust the party establishment.

They have reason to distrust their party leaders as it was under a Republican President, that enjoyed periods of congressional majorities, that the government's fiscal situation got severely out of whack.

In many eyes, the former Governor of Massachusetts is more of a Clintonesque Democrat than a Reganite Republican.

Most Democrats recognize that the President's success in reforming health care in a way that puts 95% of the population on the path to realistic comprehensive medical access is reason enough to return him to office. That reform will not be actualized with out the Dem party holding onto at least the Presidency.
We don't need 'austerity' measures as there's no point squeezing the general public because they don't have that much wealth left!

The real wealth is held by the richest part of society. If you want to pay off debts then get the rich to part with some cash, but that won't happen because the rich fund the policy makers ha ha!

That's why there's going to be a revolution
Watching Republicans debate is like watching Anthrax and West Nile argue over which is a better virus. Does it really f***ing matter??
Not being able to see the differences in the Republican party makes it difficult to find common ground with them.
Give me the Abraham Lincolns and Teddy Roosevelts of the past centuries and I would gladly sit down and hash out any intellectual differences I have with them. I might even go as far as to call myself a Republican. When the best they can come up with nowadays are the Bushes and Gingriches, it's not worth the time or trouble anymore.
Dismissing those you disagree with is counterproductive
Perusing diplomatic relations with those who have no ability to relate with fellow human beings is even more counterproductive. When was the last time a Republican ever listened to a person who wasn't one of their own? Bush sure as Hell didn't!
mitt Romney shows every sign of being a reasonably moderate republican
Look at a Political Compass chart one more time and try again. The only "moderate" (as in leaning towards the political center) Republican in recent history has been Ron Paul and even his own party doesn't take him seriously. If Republicans won't even relate with a less-Republican candidate, then what chance does the rest of the non-Republican population have?
We don't need 'austerity' measures as there's no point squeezing the general public because they don't have that much wealth left!

Good one!

I was inspired to go to my own 'numbers' after reading the usual PR from the BBC against the 'benefits cap'.

Taxing the poor to give to the unemployed rich.
