Reverse Psychology At Its Best


According to wikipedia, reverse psychology is a technique involving the advocacy of a belief or behavior that is opposite to the one desired, with the expectation that this approach will encourage the subject of the persuasion to do what actually is desired: the opposite of what is suggested. This technique relies on the psychological phenomenon of reactance, in which a person has a negative emotional response in reaction to being persuaded, and thus chooses the option which is being advocated against. Reverse psychology is often used on children due to their lack of psychological understanding and higher rate of reactance. Reverse psychology can also prey on a person's ego, as when it is used, it can make the target feel incompetent; effectively persuading the person to perform the desired action.- Kurt Lewis

In this clip of the TV reality show season seven Big Brother All-Stars, one of the contestants Dr. Will Kirby gives a speech to the whole house about how he hates them all and the result was the he was not voted out!


Here is a clip from season seven that basically consists of all the phone calls (confessions of how they were able to manipulate the entire house) made between Dr. Will Kirby and his only true alliance friend Mike Boogie:


Here is a clip from season two of Big Brother of how Dr. Will Kirby, the sole puppet master himself was able to manipulate the entire house, break them all down psychologically, and win half a million dollars!

Reverse psychology works with husbands too. Women, are your husband's not completing a task on the honey-do list? Just tell him you'll do it, grab his favorite tool from the garage and say: "now how do I turn this thing on?" :D
:pound:Thank you for this thread! I'm suddenly inspired to try out an "experiment" on a co-worker who's the perfect subject.:pound:
It works, sometimes. Of course, you don't have to try it and believe me.