Robbed On The Bus In France On Film.

Huh man this is sick. I like how that one guy stepped in and tripped that one dude. He got a couple shots in the face for his efforts but if half of the people on that bus stepped up and did something it would discourage the criminals.

I wouldve liked to have been in a situation like that and elbowed a guy right in the spine while he's beating on that guy whos wallet he stole. But the truth is I probably would have been as scared as most of the people on that bus. Man that sucks.
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I was shocked at how people would not lend a hand just a few. I think we all would like to think we would step in and help. Most of the time people just let stuff like this happen like it is not their problem. The bus driver looked like he did not want to deal with the situation at all. Its a somber reality to see...
Two minutes of a good American ass stomping and those brats would never try anything like that again. They looked like a bunch junior high school kids the way they were fighting. They clearly have never had any formal training in how to fight.
It might surprise you, but most people just don't bother with fighting anymore. We're a generation of men who have been raised by women.
They looked like a bunch junior high school kids the way they were fighting. They clearly have never had any formal training in how to fight.

Yeah, if that had been a proper American they were trying to rob, they all would've had their asses handed to them! :boxing:
Okay, in all seriousness to the OP, I would have been scared pretty stiff by that scene, but I still would have strut if I was dragged into it. I'm not surprised that nobody wanted to get involved. You can't blame people for being scared.
That guy who is standing and eventually get's robed totally deserved it. First of all you never turn your back on a bus to a bunch of young kids talking shit. He should have stood in a place with his back to the wall if possible. Or had his back turned to a woman. I learned when I lived in the city you gotta have a plan for every situation. Shit goes down in a hurry. I would have let that kid punch me then I would return the favor. You just gotta hit every one of those guys hard enough to make them not want to fight you. It's nice to have a weapons license I can carry my chucks and not get into trouble..
I would have intervened. Maybe that would have been foolhardy, but they were obviously amateur robbers, anyway.
That guy who is standing and eventually get's robed totally deserved it. First of all you never turn your back on a bus to a bunch of young kids talking shit. He should have stood in a place with his back to the wall if possible. Or had his back turned to a woman. I learned when I lived in the city you gotta have a plan for every situation. Shit goes down in a hurry. I would have let that kid punch me then I would return the favor. You just gotta hit every one of those guys hard enough to make them not want to fight you. It's nice to have a weapons license I can carry my chucks and not get into trouble..

I wouldn't say he deserved it, but he definitely put himself in a position to get it. First rule of self defense is self awareness, and as you said he clearly was in a bad position in the environment. Second rule is presence, and nothing he did projected confidence so he made himself look like an easy target. Third rule is command, and I don't think I heard him raise his voice until they were on him and so he clearly didn't warn them that he was ready to defend himself. But his biggest mistake was he didn't whack the first guy who laid a hand on him.
They did the whole can I bum a smoke. If you look the one guy is digging in his pocket while the others are distracting him. Break the first guys nose and the rest will think twice. And I still think he deserved it by letting it happen he keeps turning his back on them acting like nothing is happening. I bet next time he will be more aware of his surroundings. Saved my ass more times than I can count!
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They did the whole can I bum a smoke. If you look the one guy is digging in his pocket while the others are distracting him. Break the first guys nose and the rest will think twice. And I still think he deserved it by letting it happen I bet next time he will be more aware of his surroundings. Saved my ass more times than I can count!

Oh classic. I totally missed that. I thought they were just messing with him.
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If your a criminal you got to get good at knowing who to victimize lol. Or ya might end up dead. Little old ladies in Texas will kill ya for less lol...