Sacred and Profane literature?


Rothchildian Agent
I remember reading the RCC index of banned books or profane literature once and being surprised that I liked most of the books on it, now over time many of those books are not esteemed by me as much as they once were, I better understand some of the criticisms of them which I had dismissed in the past but I still think they are good books because they provide the jump of point for important critical or topical discussion.

I think there are secular examples of this too, books that are not politically correct or which are anathema for cultural, ideological or even legal reasons, what is your opinion of this? Also could you say whether or not you are a reader and if that influences your opinion.

However, what I'm really interested in is whether or not you read books from or by the "opposing camp", like if you're a fiscal conservative do you ever read liberal or socialist books? Or do you ever read books which are written by the opposing camp which have really good points to make or are descriptively are good but maintain or mention conclusions that you dont agree to? If you do can you enjoy a good read without agreeing with it or does it remain as a niggling or aggravating thing while you read?

This might be another way of asking the old question of whether or not you agree with the idea that "you are what you read" but I think its a little more complex.
I for one think it is ignorant to have an opposing camp and not read their material. How the hell can one know why they oppose something if they don't know what they're actually opposing?

"You are what you read" is false. I've read the Bible.
Omg did you just type "niggling"????
the subconscious only lies to protect the species.
About what I should have expected.
The type of people I disagree with have a specifically butchered language consisting of many euphemisms, pragmatism, and a set pattern of failure. Often times I will read opposition to something I find disagreeable and assess the feasibility of criticism. I do this by examining the excerpts and examples presented. If any object is not found or referenced properly then it is clearly a guilty verdict. Then after the judging phase the rehabilitation process starts which involves a lot of rope and a tall tree.
About what I should have expected.

This stuff isn't a thing for a large number of people, Lark. I'm saying this to be gentle and helpful because you seem to be unaware. Perhaps tailor your expectations a bit more. That's about the only thing you can control here.
This forum is going to be a sacred archive one day. Who were these 1% INFJ's anyways?