Save the Planet, Eat Your Dog


Permanent Fixture
"New Zealand's Dominion Post reports on a new book just released, Time to Eat the Dog: The real guide to sustainable living. In this book, they compare the environmental footprint of our housepets to other things that we own. Like that German Shepherd? It consumes more resources than two Toyota SUVs. Cats are a little less than a Volkswagen Golf. Two hamsters are about the same as a plasma TV. Their suggestions? Chickens, rabbits, and pigs. But only if you eat them."

For the full article check out
It's only two hamsters! No problem :m052:
"I think we need animals because they are a positive in our society. We can all make little changes to reduce carbon footprints but without pointing the finger at pets, which are part of family networks."

I knew it. It was the dog's fault all along. Poor BMW.
whoa!!! too much research ahahha whatever i don't have any:m170: pets!! yey!! i sorta help save the planet bwahahahaha:m052:
why don't we kill the stupid drunk guy next door then? I'm sure a human can leave a WAY bigger environmental footprint than any other living creature (and that would be unfair. the equal response to killing animals would be to kill babies).
It just occurred to me. Why spend thousands of dollars on stupid, pointless research and contribute that money to cleaning up an oil spill or developing solar-powered cars? Wouldn't that help the environment?

Let's just kill all the animals so we can drive Hummers without it draining on our conscious.
It just occurred to me. Why spend thousands of dollars on stupid, pointless research and contribute that money to cleaning up an oil spill or developing solar-powered cars? Wouldn't that help the environment?

That would only make too much sense
Never trusted the approach let's-save-the-planet-by-doing-something-at-home.

At the same time, I don't like the concept of pets too much. Animals are the happiest outside in nature. (People too.)
If we kill everything on the planet there would be no footprint at all! AH HAH!

"I think we need animals because they are a positive in our society. We can all make little changes to reduce carbon footprints but without pointing the finger at pets, which are part of family networks."


It just occurred to me. Why spend thousands of dollars on stupid, pointless research and contribute that money to cleaning up an oil spill or developing solar-powered cars? Wouldn't that help the environment?


and this:

If we kill everything on the planet there would be no footprint at all! AH HAH!

Currently, as it is, living leaves a carbon footprint. Imho, pets are invaluable and worth the carbon footprint they leave. I think this article is an excellent example of how overdone the campaign to 'living green' can be. Don't get me wrong, environmental responsibility means a lot to me and I'm glad, in general, for this whole "going green" movement (though I cringe at the name and commercialization of it) - but people go a bit nuts sometimes. There are so many things we could do without, like ice cream, movies, soccer balls, books for the joy of reading - anything and everything that is unnecessary to human dignity, human rights, and basic human needs. But then we'd be a physical species that is merely surviving. I think we need to consider this concept of balance, both individually and collectively. This means restructuring systems, looking at communities, examining personal beliefs, lifestyles, etc. I don't want to cut the book without knowing more about it, and perhaps it's valuable to examine pet carbon consumption, because maybe it will lead to positive ways to reduce that - but on the whole, pets are only a minor fraction of a larger picture - and suggesting we keep chickens and edible animals?! 1) you can't cuddle with a chicken, 2) illness people, illness! and 3) there are reasons why I don't want to be able to eat my pet!