

Community Member
Self-transcendence is the psychological experience of spirituality. It generally consists of three parts...

1. Flow - a state of self-forgetfulness, the tendency to become totally absorbed in some activity, such as building a model or reading. (in the moment, in the zone, etc.)

2. Transpersonal identification - a feeling of connectedness to a larger universe. (a part of something greater, serving a greater purpose, a brother to all mankind, etc.)

3. Mysticism - an openness to believe things not literally provable. (belief in God/s, demons, spirits, etc.)

Do you experience these things? How often? What is the emotional effect of these experiences?
I go through no.1 whenever I am reading an interesting book or am trying to achieve something. No.2 and 3 I feel whenever talking about anything spiritual because I believe in fate through mother nature and father time. Though I've never felt all three at the same time.
Have a habit of getting so absorbed in some things it bothers me when I think about it later. I have most always felt connected more spiritually than physically. It is easy to believe things when you feel they are right or exist.
To transcend yourself to become yourself. Definitly INFJ concept.
What is the emotional effect of these experiences?
For me one of the biggest things has to do with understanding life based on super-abundance and fullness rather than life based on lack and scarcity. The implications of this shift have a long, long reach on one's emotions, general outlook, and approach to the world we live in.
Transcend - to a be above, set apart from

Self - the concept of individuality and the physical form of a person specific to that person