- INFPishy
So, I know many movie goers are annoyed at how poor the quality of sequels can be. So, I'm curious about which sequels were worth the watch in past or current films, and which ones you think should be made but aren't.
Bulletproof Monk:For me, I loved the film Bulletproof Monk and I think they could do very well remaking this since it has action, adventure, romance, fantasy, martial arts, and has the possiblity of hiring different actors to take over the roles in the future because of how the story was written. But it's been ten years and I've not heard anything of a sequel. The main character is getting older and I'm not sure who could really take his place. He has a unique persona onscreen and anyone taking over his role of the wise old sage will have a tough act to follow.
Twilight: Stephanie Meyers says she doesn't object to future remake of the Twilight films. It would be interesting to see what a new studio, producers, director would do differently to add something to the film franchise that the first didn't.
Bulletproof Monk:For me, I loved the film Bulletproof Monk and I think they could do very well remaking this since it has action, adventure, romance, fantasy, martial arts, and has the possiblity of hiring different actors to take over the roles in the future because of how the story was written. But it's been ten years and I've not heard anything of a sequel. The main character is getting older and I'm not sure who could really take his place. He has a unique persona onscreen and anyone taking over his role of the wise old sage will have a tough act to follow.
Twilight: Stephanie Meyers says she doesn't object to future remake of the Twilight films. It would be interesting to see what a new studio, producers, director would do differently to add something to the film franchise that the first didn't.