Sex and death


Rothchildian Agent
OK this is the plot to a movie I've been watching but it got me thinking and I wanted to pose it to the forum to see what other peoples thoughts were too, you have a list of names provided by a magical oracle machine which are all the women you will have sex with for the rest of your life, do you keep and use the list to track the ladies down or do you dump it deciding not to have knowledge of the future?

The list is finite, so you will inevitably reach the last name on the list, now that does not mean you are going to die, it could, but on the other hand it may simply mean that you dont have anymore sex until the day you die but you still live a long life beyond that. You dont know. Its incomplete knowledge of the future in that respect but do you dump it as a result of thinking about this?
Is she guaranteed to have sex with you?

What if you keep the note but don't look at it often? You meet a lady and her name rings a bell...can't you still fuck it up with this woman or is it her destiny that she'll be hot for you regardless? Or, does the note change names depending on your outlook and other factors who you will attract like the photo from Back to the Future? So, if you abuse the power then you'll attract right slags and a finite amount of them at that.

I'd probably keep the note but try to let them come to me...then look to see if they're on the list.
Is she guaranteed to have sex with you?

Yeah, I probably worded the OP wrongly, the list allows you to know who you definitely will have sex with but that knowledge comes at the expense of knowing an approximate death date, ie when the list runs out it may be because after that point you snuff it.

Would you want the knowledge about sex if it came at the expense of having the knowledge of your death date.
Seriously? Very well...

Whatever such a list would predict I would try to prove it wrong just to see what happens. For science of course.
This sounds like a hilarious porn parody of the movie Wanted, where a textile machine produces names of people that are to be assassinated by the main character and co.
This sounds like a hilarious porn parody of the movie Wanted, where a textile machine produces names of people that are to be assassinated by the main character and co.

Are you saying there's basically porn in the philosophy forum?

I would read the list, and then defy it by not having sex and live forever!

With this mindset I'd probably be in for a sad realization though.., lol.
Are you saying there's basically porn in the philosophy forum?

Yeah I like the idea of being abstinent with one woman on the list and living forever having sex with the others on the list.
Seriously though this is just a different version of, would you want to know where and when you are going to dje.
Then you find Bill Clinton made the list for you.