Rothchildian Agent
- Enneagram
- 9
OK this is the plot to a movie I've been watching but it got me thinking and I wanted to pose it to the forum to see what other peoples thoughts were too, you have a list of names provided by a magical oracle machine which are all the women you will have sex with for the rest of your life, do you keep and use the list to track the ladies down or do you dump it deciding not to have knowledge of the future?
The list is finite, so you will inevitably reach the last name on the list, now that does not mean you are going to die, it could, but on the other hand it may simply mean that you dont have anymore sex until the day you die but you still live a long life beyond that. You dont know. Its incomplete knowledge of the future in that respect but do you dump it as a result of thinking about this?
The list is finite, so you will inevitably reach the last name on the list, now that does not mean you are going to die, it could, but on the other hand it may simply mean that you dont have anymore sex until the day you die but you still live a long life beyond that. You dont know. Its incomplete knowledge of the future in that respect but do you dump it as a result of thinking about this?