Shapeshift or morph?


Present a scenario and offer two or three shape-shifting or morphing choices.

I'll start,

You're hanging from a cliff and have no means of rescue except to morph into one natural element, would you morph into a solid or a liquid? Why?
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^ i'd morph into ice and become part of the cliff :P i'd be nice to be immortalized as something like that.

new scenario: you're a passenger in a car being driven by a maniac driver. any moment now he's going to crash into a tree, a truck, or another car. all the car doors are locked and the windows are closed; you have no way out. the driver is insane. you can morph into either a peacock or a llama, in a desperate attempt to save yourself. which would you pick and why?
^ i'd morph into ice and become part of the cliff :P i'd be nice to be immortalized as something like that.

new scenario: you're a passenger in a car being driven by a maniac driver. any moment now he's going to crash into a tree, a truck, or another car. all the car doors are locked and the windows are closed; you have no way out. the driver is insane. you can morph into either a peacock or a llama, in a desperate attempt to save yourself. which would you pick and why?

Peacock! Because maybe seconds before impact I can fly up, and avoid the kinetic transfer of energy into my body.

Ok, you have to become a five-year-old's house pet for one week (why? Who knows?). You have a choice of becoming a dog, cat, or a gerbil. Which would you choose and why?
Cat, cats can escape from danger easily by jumping two metres into the air on top of some furniture, and I always wanted to be one.

Scenario: You are stuck on antartica near the coastline. What would you morph into and why?
a ship so i could sail away to somewhere warmer :P

you're on the titanic and it's sinking rapidly. what metal would you morph into and why?
Aluminum. It's fairly lightweight, and the air spaces inside of me would keep me afloat.

You're standing only a few hundred feet away from a nuclear weapons test in the middle of the pacific. What type of transportation do you morph into to survive?
I would morph into a horse with no name, and just be glad to be out of the rain...

You are kicked to the moon, what do you transform into?
a cow, so i'd merely jump over it & not crash into it :P

you're lost in a forest and out of food and water. what fictional character would you morph into & why?

Whereever I wander, whereever I roam
I couldnt be fonder, of my big home.
The bees are buzzing in the trees, to make some honey just for me
When you look under the rocks and plants,
And take a glance, at the fancy ants, then maybe, try a few...
The bare necessities of life will come to you.

If you could transform into any mythological creature for half an hour a day, what would you become?
A sphinx,

In Greek mythology, a sphinx is represented as a monster with a head of a woman, the body of a lioness, the wings of an eagle, and a serpent headed tail.

It was said in late lore that Hera or Ares sent the Sphinx from her Ethiopian homeland (the Greeks always remembered the foreign origin of the Sphinx) to Thebes in Greece where she asks all passersby the most famous riddle in history: “Which creature in the morning goes on four legs, at mid-day on two, and in the evening upon three, and the more legs it has, the weaker it be?” She strangled and devoured anyone unable to answer. (Wikipedia)

You are driving on the road in the middle of traffic, and suddently there's a major earthquake. The road is splitting apart, and cars are crashing and sinking everywhere.

What machine could you morph your car into to save your life and those of others, and why?
Deep fantasy answer: a klingon bird of prey with tractor beams to yank everyone to saftey.

Light fantasy anser: a helicopter - I would throw harnesses to the drivers to lift them out of danger.

If you were obliged to live in the ocean continously for two years what kind of fish/mammal/invertibrate/plant would you morph into?
A shapeshifter from odo's family.

If you had to live as an animal for two years retaining your mental functions and place in society, which animal would it be?
I would become a monkey - for the irony. I think many would misjudge or underestimate but i'd make them pay. Bananas do not come cheap. ;)

If you could live in the jungle as any predatory enemy of the eagle, which enemy would you be and why?
I would become a monkey - for the irony. I think many would misjudge or underestimate but i'd make them pay. Bananas do not come cheap. ;)

If you could live in the jungle as any predatory enemy of the eagle, which enemy would you be and why?

I'd be a deer - once you get over a certain size the eagles stop hunting you. Plus it would just be fun to leap over stuff I guess.

If you had to live in a human body (as a human cell,parasite,bacteria,etc) what would you be and where abouts in the body would you be found?
I'd be a deer - once you get over a certain size the eagles stop hunting you. Plus it would just be fun to leap over stuff I guess.

If you had to live in a human body (as a human cell,parasite,bacteria,etc) what would you be and where abouts in the body would you be found?

A brain parasite so i could drive people insane.

The world falls into anarchy as science advances and there is one global government. The streets are ridden with crime and science experiment failures are common. What superhero would you be and why?
Dr Manhatten. I wouldn't care anymore.

If you could morph into anybody from the forums for a week, who would you be, and why?
Dr Manhatten. I wouldn't care anymore.

If you could morph into anybody from the forums for a week, who would you be, and why?

I'd morph into Flavus Aquila, because he'd have a unique pov which i'd like to experience

If you could morph into a mythical Norse god, which one would choose and why?
I'd morph into Flavus Aquila, because he'd have a unique pov which i'd like to experience

If you could morph into a mythical Norse god, which one would choose and why?

Loki. For the lulz. Endless, eternal lulz. Oh man - I'd be the ultimate divine troll.

You suddenly face off against another shapeshifter who is inexplicably furious at you! What do you turn into and what do you do?