She without arm, he without leg - ballet


I don't even know where to post this, but I thought the audience here would really eat this up.

All I can say is holy crap, he must have major muscle tone in that leg of his, and incredible balance. When she jumped into him, I absolutely was not expecting him to be as, er... stable? as he was.

That said, the music was killing me. Awful, awful stuff.

And the dancing made no sense. I mean, what was happening there? :/

Still, incredible to watch them move around with little/no difficulty. I love things that challenge our ideas about being 'disabled'.

I mean, that dude got up from the floor with absolutely no trouble at all. I think I have more difficulty than he did, haha. :D

So good on them, and good on you for sharing.

Thank you.
Agree 100% - amazing video, and he had to have incredible muscle tone...he had no problems being graceful, and you really saw the crutch as another leg (even when he didn't need it).

But the music - yeah. BAD. Bad soap opera music. But oh, what a good choreographer could do with them--!