"Shyness" and "Eccentrics" defined as mentally ill in new DSM.

Guess I have new things to add to the list... I think it's silly to be honest. I think debilitating shyness/anxiety can be considered a disorder/illness (social anxiety-phobia), but shyness alone... I can't see it as a mental illness. Eccentrics... well same story - depends on whether the eccentricities are debilitating in some way, shape, form (if not I can't personally see it as a mental illness).

-Wouldn't be the first silly thing in the DSM though...
The DSM is simply a categorisation of behaviours which the authorities do not want to see displayed in the public

The apparatus of the state exists to protect the interests of the authorities, so the army protects their interests abroad, the police protect their interest at home, the law courts enforce their law and the psychiatrists enforce the modes of behaviour that the authorities deem 'normal'

The DSM is used to control human behaviour. If you do not comply with the state the state can deem you 'mad' and it can lock you up and chemically cosh you with mind suppressing drugs.

The really nasty part of it is that no one will believe you if you proclaim you are normal and that the state is trying to control you....they will just think that you are mad and that you are paranoid

The people who own the federal reserve also own the big corporations and the mainstream media and they bankroll many of the politicians, fund academia and much scientific research whilst owning the publishing firms allowing them to censor what gets published; in effect they control the flows of information to your brain and therefore they control your perception of reality

The eye in the triangle on the back of the dollar bill is a talisman that is making a statement. The people who print the money at the federal reserve are saying 'we control the way that you perceive reality'. They are the priesthood and they are the engineers of perception.

They build the matrix of perceptions and if you do not conform to that then they will seek to control you another way.

For example the FBI is now categorising anyone who says that the US is bankrupt and should return to the gold standard as an 'extremist'

Anyone who knows law knows that language is everything as with the right words you can control people. It is the same in psychiatry where they can categorise your behaviour anyway they like in order to control you, simply by using words.

They will tell you that you have a chemical imbalance that can be rectified by taking the drug that they manufcature in the big pharmacuetical corporations that they own. But here's the secret: poor mental health is usually caused by anxiety and too much anxiety leads to mania. What this means is that people's mental health is suffering because they are feeling anxious in this current system...this false matrix that is being forced on them and their anxiety manifests as poor mental health

Many independant thinkers (often very intutive people) can often be categorised as 'shy' or 'eccentric' and therefore they can be controlled.

We are being trained by the media to think that what is normal is to be an extroverted, sensor who never ponders the deeper issues of life but is solely focussed on fitting in with the latest fashions, the latest pop songs, the latest sports, the latest computer game, the latest gadget and who's mind is fully plugged into the matrix

In summary this is part of an increase in the controls that the power elite are employing against us the people; other recent examples include: the Patriot Act, The NDAA Act, SOPA, PIPA, ACTA, FEMA, militarisation of the police, PRIVATISATION of military and police and 'security' forces, Fluoridation (calcifies the pineal gland/thrid eye), repeal of the Glass-Steagal Act, Switch to the Fiat currency, monopoly of seed production etc

Expect more of this
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If a person is having trouble functioning in society due to their shyness - then I think they should qualify for some paid help via health insurance. If it takes labeling it - then so be it. Personally I don't like the idea of labeling such characteristics as being shy....But in the US we have a very backwards point of view when it comes to Whole Health. If it isn't labeled - our government cannot handle it....

Did you see what else they're doing in the new DSM?
Depressive Disorders

Please find below a list of disorders related to the diagnostic category, Depressive Disorders.

This category contains diagnoses that were listed in DSM-IV under the chapter of Mood Disorders. The Mood Disorders Work Group has been responsible for addressing these revisions.

Among the disorders listed below is a proposal for a new disorder, Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD), supported by findings from a subworkgroup on PMDD, chaired by Kim Yonkers, M.D.

The group is also putting forth a proposal for the addition of Mixed Anxiety/Depression as a new diagnosis. We appreciate your review and comment on these disorders.

D 00 Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
D 01 Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode
D 02 Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent
D 03 Chronic Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia)
D 04 Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
D 05 Mixed Anxiety/Depression
D 06 Substance-Induced Depressive Disorder
D 07 Depressive Disorder Associated with a Known General Medical Condition
D 08 Other Specified Depressive Disorder
D 09 Unspecified Depressive Disorder

....and the list goes on and on and on....

People in the US are ill...
And good points muir. Totally agree that there are those in society that would like to see 'eccentric' behaviour classed as disorder so that it can be treated thusly, thereby reducing the relevance of independant thinkers that think outside the box.

As someone that studied psychology for years- I hate the DSM!
Most of the time its just a checklist for people to cross off so they can be drugged or excused. Some of these 'disorders' are perfectly normal stages people can go through, reactions to life events and stress or just harmless idiosyncracies. Of course there are genuine disorders as well, but these are often grossly over simplified.
A lot of good psychologists I know take the DSM with a grain of salt as well.
I know atleast 6 people personally that have looked up the checklist for a particluar disorder, then gone to a doctor or psychologist to plead their case so that they can get free drugs or be excused from some activity they didnt want to do!
There is a drug for everything- often the same drug too. It seems that doctors and psychologists these days are being indoctrinated (and paid) to believe that all of a person's problems can be fixed with anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medication, sleeping pills and pain killers. The worst thing about this is there is not enough evidence to support the use of these drugs (if one actually bothers to look at the journal papers), and some drugs come with debilitating side effects which then need to be treated with more drugs.

Pharmaceutical companies, the health sector and governments are profiting greatly from the 'sickness industry/market' they have created. Corporations sell us rubblish food, harmful chemicals and the never ending desire for material goods to fill the hole in our souls. People live sedentary lifestyles with no mind-body connection, no awareness of their own body and health, alienated from community. And they wonder why we get sick. When I first started studying psychology I thought people that talked about the 'sickness industry' were uneducated whacko conspiracy theorists. 4 years of eduaction later, I was unable to deny it and repusled by the means that some people will go to to sell a product, often even creating a harmful market for their product where there was none.

One of things I hate most about pharmaceuticals is that they take the power away from the individual to help themselves. People are told that simply have a chemical imbalance that they can fix with medication. This takes away a person's power, sense of ownership, responsibility and control over one's own body and life. It makes people feel helpless and sick. I would never deny that there are many people that have benefited from pharmaceuticals, in the sense that they have seen a marked improvement of their symptoms and have been able to recommence normal life, but I would argue that it is possible that these people could have achieved the same results in a more empowering and less harmful way through psychotherapy, lifestyle changes (inc diet and excercise), natural remedies and even placebos.

We dont need more illnesses and disorders. We need more self awareness, more health, better lifestyles, community, understanding, acceptance and love. We need less ignorance and most importantly - we need less fear.
If we had free healthcare, all of our fancy new illnesses wont be valid anymore :(

If we had free healthcare - our society wouldn't be as mentally ill as they are now. Wouldn't that be wonderful!?
,....but I doubt that happens any time soon...
And good points muir. Totally agree that there are those in society that would like to see 'eccentric' behaviour classed as disorder so that it can be treated thusly, thereby reducing the relevance of independant thinkers that think outside the box.

As someone that studied psychology for years- I hate the DSM!
Most of the time its just a checklist for people to cross off so they can be drugged or excused. Some of these 'disorders' are perfectly normal stages people can go through, reactions to life events and stress or just harmless idiosyncracies. Of course there are genuine disorders as well, but these are often grossly over simplified.
A lot of good psychologists I know take the DSM with a grain of salt as well.
I know atleast 6 people personally that have looked up the checklist for a particluar disorder, then gone to a doctor or psychologist to plead their case so that they can get free drugs or be excused from some activity they didnt want to do!
There is a drug for everything- often the same drug too. It seems that doctors and psychologists these days are being indoctrinated (and paid) to believe that all of a person's problems can be fixed with anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medication, sleeping pills and pain killers. The worst thing about this is there is not enough evidence to support the use of these drugs (if one actually bothers to look at the journal papers), and some drugs come with debilitating side effects which then need to be treated with more drugs.

Pharmaceutical companies, the health sector and governments are profiting greatly from the 'sickness industry/market' they have created. Corporations sell us rubblish food, harmful chemicals and the never ending desire for material goods to fill the hole in our souls. People live sedentary lifestyles with no mind-body connection, no awareness of their own body and health, alienated from community. And they wonder why we get sick. When I first started studying psychology I thought people that talked about the 'sickness industry' were uneducated whacko conspiracy theorists. 4 years of eduaction later, I was unable to deny it and repusled by the means that some people will go to to sell a product, often even creating a harmful market for their product where there was none.

One of things I hate most about pharmaceuticals is that they take the power away from the individual to help themselves. People are told that simply have a chemical imbalance that they can fix with medication. This takes away a person's power, sense of ownership, responsibility and control over one's own body and life. It makes people feel helpless and sick. I would never deny that there are many people that have benefited from pharmaceuticals, in the sense that they have seen a marked improvement of their symptoms and have been able to recommence normal life, but I would argue that it is possible that these people could have achieved the same results in a more empowering and less harmful way through psychotherapy, lifestyle changes (inc diet and excercise), natural remedies and even placebos.

We dont need more illnesses and disorders. We need more self awareness, more health, better lifestyles, community, understanding, acceptance and love. We need less ignorance and most importantly - we need less fear.

Awesome post! :nod:
Introversion was going to be included in the new edition but was renamed to Detachment after an appeal by the Association for Psychological Type International, being defined as "social withdrawal, social detachment, restricted affectivity, anhedonia and intimacy avoidance." Maybe it has since been renamed to "shyness", an equally retarded term.

also http://www.slate.com/articles/healt...mpulsive_shopping_and_internet_addiction.html
Over classification of disorders is a worrying trend.

I fear 'health professionals' will not be content until everyone is thoroughly average.
Introversion was going to be included in the new edition but was renamed to Detachment after an appeal by the Association for Psychological Type International, being defined as "social withdrawal, social detachment, restricted affectivity, anhedonia and intimacy avoidance." Maybe it has since been renamed to "shyness", an equally retarded term.

also http://www.slate.com/articles/healt...mpulsive_shopping_and_internet_addiction.html


I agree with you....a very retarded perspective. How can introversion be considered an illness?
Over classification of disorders is a worrying trend.

I fear 'health professionals' will not be content until everyone is thoroughly average.

You can't just blame health professionals, they are following policy (perhaps more of them should question this?).

But this is all part of a much larger move towards greater control over the public and it comes from the top
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And good points muir. Totally agree that there are those in society that would like to see 'eccentric' behaviour classed as disorder so that it can be treated thusly, thereby reducing the relevance of independant thinkers that think outside the box.

As someone that studied psychology for years- I hate the DSM!
Most of the time its just a checklist for people to cross off so they can be drugged or excused. Some of these 'disorders' are perfectly normal stages people can go through, reactions to life events and stress or just harmless idiosyncracies. Of course there are genuine disorders as well, but these are often grossly over simplified.
A lot of good psychologists I know take the DSM with a grain of salt as well.
I know atleast 6 people personally that have looked up the checklist for a particluar disorder, then gone to a doctor or psychologist to plead their case so that they can get free drugs or be excused from some activity they didnt want to do!
There is a drug for everything- often the same drug too. It seems that doctors and psychologists these days are being indoctrinated (and paid) to believe that all of a person's problems can be fixed with anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medication, sleeping pills and pain killers. The worst thing about this is there is not enough evidence to support the use of these drugs (if one actually bothers to look at the journal papers), and some drugs come with debilitating side effects which then need to be treated with more drugs.

Pharmaceutical companies, the health sector and governments are profiting greatly from the 'sickness industry/market' they have created. Corporations sell us rubblish food, harmful chemicals and the never ending desire for material goods to fill the hole in our souls. People live sedentary lifestyles with no mind-body connection, no awareness of their own body and health, alienated from community. And they wonder why we get sick. When I first started studying psychology I thought people that talked about the 'sickness industry' were uneducated whacko conspiracy theorists. 4 years of eduaction later, I was unable to deny it and repusled by the means that some people will go to to sell a product, often even creating a harmful market for their product where there was none.

One of things I hate most about pharmaceuticals is that they take the power away from the individual to help themselves. People are told that simply have a chemical imbalance that they can fix with medication. This takes away a person's power, sense of ownership, responsibility and control over one's own body and life. It makes people feel helpless and sick. I would never deny that there are many people that have benefited from pharmaceuticals, in the sense that they have seen a marked improvement of their symptoms and have been able to recommence normal life, but I would argue that it is possible that these people could have achieved the same results in a more empowering and less harmful way through psychotherapy, lifestyle changes (inc diet and excercise), natural remedies and even placebos.

We dont need more illnesses and disorders. We need more self awareness, more health, better lifestyles, community, understanding, acceptance and love. We need less ignorance and most importantly - we need less fear.


The system doesn't see people as humans it sees them as broken down robots that need to be patched up and pushed out onto the production line again (its all about PROFITS not people)

In an ideal world people would be viewed in a more whole-istic way with their mental, emotional and physical health all being viewed as inter-related and the cause of anxiety as usually being the persons environment which in the current world is shaped by the system and its consumerist profit orientated culture/system

I agree with you....a very retarded perspective. How can introversion be considered an illness?

Cos its all about control
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Cos its all about control


Do you think "they" are afraid we can read their minds???? Heh heh.

Yeh. I know. They want us to be good little robots - seek structure and security - and let them provide it for us. Right?

I just took the Socionics test. One of the questions that struck me as unusual was -How much did I challenge authority? I moved the pointer to the maximum. I've always been that way....

Turns out - I am 98% INFJ according to their scale. I'm beginning to see a pattern here.

Uh oh....
The DSM is simply a categorisation of behaviours which the authorities do not want to see displayed in the public

The apparatus of the state exists to protect the interests of the authorities, so the army protects their interests abroad, the police protect their interest at home, the law courts enforce their law and the psychiatrists enforce the modes of behaviour that the authorities deem 'normal'

The DSM is used to control human behaviour. If you do not comply with the state the state can deem you 'mad' and it can lock you up and chemically cosh you with mind suppressing drugs.

The really nasty part of it is that no one will believe you if you proclaim you are normal and that the state is trying to control you....they will just think that you are mad and that you are paranoid

The people who own the federal reserve also own the big corporations and the mainstream media and they bankroll many of the politicians, fund academia and much scientific research whilst owning the publishing firms allowing them to censor what gets published; in effect they control the flows of information to your brain and therefore they control your perception of reality

The eye in the triangle on the back of the dollar bill is a talisman that is making a statement. The people who print the money at the federal reserve are saying 'we control the way that you perceive reality'. They are the priesthood and they are the engineers of perception.

They build the matrix of perceptions and if you do not conform to that then they will seek to control you another way.

For example the FBI is now categorising anyone who says that the US is bankrupt and should return to the gold standard as an 'extremist'

Anyone who knows law knows that language is everything as with the right words you can control people. It is the same in psychiatry where they can categorise your behaviour anyway they like in order to control you, simply by using words.

They will tell you that you have a chemical imbalance that can be rectified by taking the drug that they manufcature in the big pharmacuetical corporations that they own. But here's the secret: poor mental health is usually caused by anxiety and too much anxiety leads to mania. What this means is that people's mental health is suffering because they are feeling anxious in this current system...this false matrix that is being forced on them and their anxiety manifests as poor mental health

Many independant thinkers (often very intutive people) can often be categorised as 'shy' or 'eccentric' and therefore they can be controlled.

We are being trained by the media to think that what is normal is to be an extroverted, sensor who never ponders the deeper issues of life but is solely focussed on fitting in with the latest fashions, the latest pop songs, the latest sports, the latest computer game, the latest gadget and who's mind is fully plugged into the matrix

In summary this is part of an increase in the controls that the power elite are employing against us the people; other recent examples include: the Patriot Act, The NDAA Act, SOPA, PIPA, ACTA, FEMA, militarisation of the police, PRIVATISATION of military and police and 'security' forces, Fluoridation (calcifies the pineal gland/thrid eye), repeal of the Glass-Steagal Act, Switch to the Fiat currency, monopoly of seed production etc

Expect more of this

The inner workings of this world are very disturbing. I've had a first hand glimpse of some of the "fucked-up-ness" of the whole thing. I was/is seeing a psychiatrist for ADHD and she has over time, trying to diagnose me and medicate me for being religious. Medicate the religion/spirituality out of me, so to speak like it's some kind of a disorder! I think too much about morality, philosophy, politics and religion. She says these thoughts are useless and get in my way. :rolleyes: She didn't even want to "talk" with me about it, just scripted me. Disturbing.
The inner workings of this world are very disturbing. I've had a first hand glimpse of some of the "fucked-up-ness" of the whole thing. I was/is seeing a psychiatrist for ADHD and she has over time, trying to diagnose me and medicate me for being religious. Medicate the religion/spirituality out of me, so to speak like it's some kind of a disorder! I think too much about morality, philosophy, politics and religion. She says these thoughts are useless and get in my way. :rolleyes: She didn't even want to "talk" with me about it, just scripted me. Disturbing.

Yeah if we feel anxious the minions of the state will tell us 'its something wrong with YOU. It's YOUR fault. It's not the system that's wrong, it's YOU. Now take these drugs, shut your mouth and get back to work!'

But peoples feelings have validity. People are anxious because there are things wrong. We are not being allowed to live in accordance with our true nature.

My hope is that the distress being felt by so many around the world at the moment can provide the catalyst to bring about positive change. There is already resistance in the form of revolutions, occupy movements and strike actions, which will only intensify as all the pent up energies are released.