Simple Enneagram Test

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Variable Hybrid
You have to choose eight of the following conditions for the rest of your life, and can only exclude one of them. Which would it be? Which is the one you could never accept? (Which one in parenthesis would you be willing to trade the other eight for?)

1. You will never be a good person. (You will always be a good person, no matter what)
2. You will never again give or recieve love. (You will always be loved by the people you serve)
3. You will never again achieve success. (You will always be admired for what you do)
4. You have to be just like everyone else. (You will always be unique and your own person)
5. You will never be competent or useful. (You will always be competent and useful)
6. You will never have a sense of security or loyalty. (You will always feel safe and secure)
7. You will never be able to have exhilerating fun again. (Your life will always be fun)
8. You will never be in control again. (You will always be in control of everything around you)
9. You will never have peace and harmony again. (You will always have peace and harmony around you)
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1. You will never be a good person. (If everything IS good, then there is no need to BE good)
2. You will never again give or recieve love. (Difficult, but managable if everyone is kind to each other)
3. You will never again achieve success. (Over rated anyway)
4. You have to be just like everyone else. (If everyone is harmonious, GREAT!)
5. You will never be competent or useful. (I wouldn't like this, but if everyone is harmonious, it can be managed)
6. You will never have a sense of security or loyalty. (No need if everyone is harmonious)
7. You will never be able to have exhilerating fun again. (Meh, low key fun is fine)
8. You will never be in control again. (If everyone gets along, there is no need to be in control)
9. (You will always have peace and harmony around you)
9. You will never have peace and harmony again. (You will always have peace and harmony around you)

Some of the others are close seconds/thirds
1. You will never be a good person. (You will always be a good person, no matter what)
2. You will never again give or recieve love. (You will always be loved by the people you serve)
3. You will never again achieve success. (You will always be admired for what you do)
4. You have to be just like everyone else. (You will always be unique and your own person)
5. You will never be competent or useful. (You will always be competent and useful)
6. You will never have a sense of security or loyalty. (You will always feel safe and secure)
7. You will never be able to have exhilerating fun again. (Your life will always be fun)
8. You will never be in control again. (You will always be in control of everything around you)
9. You will never have peace and harmony again. (You will always have peace and harmony around you)

Holy smokes. This was pretty darn hard. I couldn't choose between 8 & 3 as my primary, though I did eventually lean into 3... because successful to me, means in some part, being control of yourself. *ponders* But that eight... Hmmm. Very strong contender. The two was another serious consideration, but nowhere near 3 and 8.

EDIT: Misread the OP. I could live without 9 or 4, I think. I chose 4.

So, depending on which one we excluded from our list, what does this say about us?
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1,4,5,6 and 8 all seem good. Idk though because this is a bit too absolutist for me to be sure about enneagram type because you have to take into account wings and growth.

4 sounds best to me though.
I'm between 9 and 5, leaning more towards 9. I guess the reason that I want to feel useful and competent is to feel at peace with myself. Knowledge is the gateway towards truth, and by knowing truth, I shall find peace. At least, that's my rationale.

I'm still not sure if 9 is subservient to 5, or 5 is subservient to 9.

6 is also very tempting. Shoot, this is hard.
If I had to exclude one of them, it would be the first part of:
"4. You have to be just like everyone else." I could deal with being different, as I already have gotten used to it.

I may not fully understand this, but there is one I would not want to have to accept and live without over the others:
"2. You will never again give or receive love." I could never accept this first part. It would be impossible.

(Which one in parenthesis would you be willing to trade the other eight for?)
Don't know if I would trade the other eight(in parenthesis) for it, but it would be important for me to:
(You will always have peace and harmony around you).
I want to be a good person; loved, though not necessarily by only those I serve or not necessarily by those I serve; admiration for what I do is not necessary; my uniqueness is a given anyway; being competent and useful would be great; feeling safe and secure is important to a certain extent; my life has never ALWAYS been fun; I like being in control of things I feel I can do better for everyone's benefit; BUT
having peace and harmony around me....always....would be great now that I have learned the lessons I have learned through the lack of these two things. It would be great but not worth trading all the others for.

All in all, my life has problems like everyone else; I have learned to try and live with and deal with life the best I can with as much temperance as possible. C'est la vie!
I'm going for fun.

If I'm busy and entertained enough, I won't care about not being a good person/not being competent/etc. I'll be having fun when you'll be living your shitty lives because you'll missing on everything (except the option you chose)! Ha! :m114:
1, with 5 and 2 as close seconds
You have to choose eight of the following conditions for the rest of your life, and can only exclude one of them. Which would it be? Which is the one you could never accept? (Which one in parenthesis would you be willing to trade the other eight for?)

1. You will never be a good person. (You will always be a good person, no matter what)
2. You will never again give or recieve love. (You will always be loved by the people you serve)
3. You will never again achieve success. (You will always be admired for what you do)
4. You have to be just like everyone else. (You will always be unique and your own person)
5. You will never be competent or useful. (You will always be competent and useful)
6. You will never have a sense of security or loyalty. (You will always feel safe and secure)
7. You will never be able to have exhilerating fun again. (Your life will always be fun)
8. You will never be in control again. (You will always be in control of everything around you)
9. You will never have peace and harmony again. (You will always have peace and harmony around you)


but not because I care so much about what's in parenthesis, but rather that I'd have no real desire to live if I had to live with this part: "You will never again give or recieve love."

the part of me that makes me who I am would already be dead.
Two. I couldn't live without love.

I'm enneagram six I think though.
1. (You will always be a good person, no matter what) (Second)
2. You will never again give or recieve love. (You will always be loved by the people you serve)
3. You will never again achieve success. (You will always be admired for what you do)
4. You have to be just like everyone else. (You will always be unique and your own person)
5. You will never be competent or useful. (You will always be competent and useful)
6. You will never have a sense of security or loyalty. (You will always feel safe and secure)
7. You will never be able to have exhilerating fun again. (Your life will always be fun)
8. You will never be in control again. (You will always be in control of everything around you)

9. (You will always have peace and harmony around you) (First)
5. But 4 and 1 are kind of close. Not too close, though. It's a clear win for 5.
I could not live with this:
You will never be a good person.

I would trade this for all the others:
You will always be a good person, no matter what (Although I don't think this is possible)

So that settles it doesn't it?!

However, I am also attracted to these ideas:
You will always be competent and useful
You will always feel safe and secure
Your life will always be fun
You will always be in control of everything around you

The tritype I most recognise is 1-4-5, although when I look at 4, I don't agree with it. I do want to be special in some way, definitely, but at the same time I feel very naturally different and I wouldn't say I enjoyed this, so there is conflict there. I am different and certain people have always treated me as "special" (parents, teachers, employers basically, based entirely on academic merit. Even my friends point my intellect out first). I like being "special" but I dislike being different. I am different in a way that makes me feel like an idiot.
i think it's a good test, VH. i have trouble with enneagram tests, but this was much easier for me. unfortunately, i'm a 9. 9s are gross with their rainbows, unicorns, and peace. =p
i think it's a good test, VH. i have trouble with enneagram tests, but this was much easier for me. unfortunately, i'm a 9. 9s are gross with their rainbows, unicorns, and peace. =p

I think I have most of them set up to resonate with people of their respective type. I definitely got 9 right.

However, some of them aren't lining up. I need to fix those.
The one I would pick is contingent on almost all of the others.