Slight Personality Shift.


Community Member
Since my recent understanding that I have infj personality type, it seems that I've been automatically nudged just a little closer to the T, and also a tad bit towards the P. Has anyone noticed a similar re-alignment following the knowledge of types.

There is also a profound, sweet sense of peace and some relief that may just be a temporary reaction to learning something exciting.
yes, i changed too in these ways after connecting with this personal identification. it took almost a year to assimilate the information.

have you looked into functions, nitesteamer?

i used to think i was kind of in between for some of the letters, like a T sometimes and sometimes an F. but then i realized that INTJ and INFJ have completely different functions. like, i used to think being a T instead of an F literally just meant that I was less feely and a bit more harsh in my thoughts.

i don't know, hope this doesn't sound like i'm dissing you or anything. just thinking maybe look up the functions for INTP and see if they fit better than those for INFJ (Ni Fe Ti Se).
Since my recent understanding that I have infj personality type, it seems that I've been automatically nudged just a little closer to the T, and also a tad bit towards the P. Has anyone noticed a similar re-alignment following the knowledge of types.

There is also a profound, sweet sense of peace and some relief that may just be a temporary reaction to learning something exciting.
Hmm, have you taken a cognitive functions test?

I believe they help to give one a better handle on which functions they actively use.

For instance if you feel that you are an INTP, would you say that you are Ti dominant, and do you feel that you use Ne, as opposed to the INFJ's Ni?
I still have very deep and rich feelings(sometimes a good thing and sometimes....), and I'm also pretty sure that I am more judging than perceiving. I guess I just feel a little bit more balanced now that I know about types. It has also allowed me to relax my expectations of other people, in that it is more clear to me that my desire to have people understand the essence of who I am, and how God made me, is often not a realistic expectation . This has somehow been a freeing experience for me.

I'm sure I have a lot to learn.
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NOOOO the Winky Dink is whom shall I torment?

(on topic)
I second the idea you take a cognitive function test.
Yes, I took 2 online tests about two months ago. I think one was the Myers Briggs: it was about 60 or so questions. Both times it came out as infj. Can I trust these tests?
While I see many pointing towards taking a cognitive function test from what I've seen, these too make judgements based on behaviors rather than on "lenses" I think the best route is to see which functions you relate to and the order in which you relate to them. that 4 function model should then relate to an MBTI theoretically. I know a good link that brakes down the 8 functions so you can really see what they all "do" so to speak, however I'd prefer not post it here. Feel free to PM if you're interested.
I work directly with a very "spock-like" guy on a daily basis. We are different in a lot of ways, but oddly we get along very well most of the time and our differing strengths actually seem to compliment one another's existing strengths. We do bump heads once in a while and both of us are very aware of the topics that cause this. He seems to fit the INT mold to a tee.
INFJs have function configuration: N>F>T>S

The N-F (conscious) are most naturally developed in us.
The T-S (unconscious) are what we tend to develop with experience and age.

It sounds like you are developing your T-S.