Small question


find wisdom, build hope.
Another musing, this time taken from a .../cough, manga

Which is better, to be a happy idiot or a miserable genius?
Personally I say a miserable genius. Sure, whether one is a happy idiot or a miserable genius one can make a difference in the world but, from my perspective, it seems as though one might be more able to make a larger difference
Miserable genuis. So I could make stuff to make everyone happy ^^"
Idiot is an unfortunate term once used when referring to someone with an intellectual disability that left them functioning at the level of a two year old. I've worked with many very happy people that fit this criterion. So I would chose this over a life of misery.
no se'. lo siento

I suppose i didn't answer the question... My first instinct would say miserable genius, though i don't know why. Seems like happy idiot would be a whole lot easier to live with...
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The true miracle would be starting out as an unhappy genius and ending up as a happy idiot.
This reminds me of Flowers For Algernon. Is ignorance bliss? I don't even have an answer, and I've had, like, five years to think about it.

Somehow, I think either option is quite tragic. And, really, you can't define happiness; doesn't it depend a lot on your outlook on life? Your own happiness is something you can control to an extent (not considering circumstances outside of your control or involving other people).
I'd rather be a miserable genius who meets up with a happy idiot who would take me into his wonderland. we'll be happily idiotic then!!!!!!! :mhula:
Another musing, this time taken from a .../cough, manga

Which is better, to be a happy idiot or a miserable genius?

I choose reality, miserable genius. My thirst in life is to know more, I don't want to know who I would be if that wasn't me.
Happy idiot. If I'm happy, I'm set.
My own answer would be a miserable genius.

I..don't know the reason yet, but I know that I theoretically chose it over being a happy idiot.
My reasoning for happy idiot is that life is too short and fleeting to be upset all the time.
Happy idiot, as the saying goes: ignorance is bliss!
Miserable genius, provided I use the genius to add to the happiness of the world I guess. If I were to be selfish about it I would choose happy idiot.