So, then the religious jellyfish aliens fell before the insanity of mankind


Director of Space Exploration
4w5 or 5w4, so/sp/sx
Right, so I'm looking for this book that I read back in college. It was just handed to me by a bookworm roomie and it was pretty good... but for the love of $entity, I have no idea what the authors name or book title are.

So, there are these religious jellyfish aliens who come to a religious epiphany and spread it among the stars, converting races as they go... issue being that any who don't want to join it are wiped out as part of the doctrine. Naturally, this means a resistance forms; a resistance that is scouting well ahead of the spread of the jellyfish looking for un-shattered races to recruit. Walp, that means us... the only thing is, upon finding us, these fox-like alien who are the strongest most badassiest of the resistance are shocked at hour chaotically our world is laid out.

They send in a probe to investigate... and it gets shot down. Rinse and repeat until they figure out how to evade earth's defenses, and then land on the water in the caribbean... targetting a lone human to contact who happens to be a laid back musician working on his craft on a small catamaran yacht out in the middle no where. When the foxes board his boat, he is shocked... be simply brushes aside an expended paw-hand (shattering the bone in it) and dashing out the door and diving into the water in what, to the aliens, seems like an impossible fury of speed.

Turns out, something had happened to earth that left it dangerous and chaotic, and it had primed humanity to be far stronger, quick and ... insane ... that other species. We eventually go along with the foxes, and when a jellyfish (during the eventual invasion of earth) tries to mind-scan a simple farmer, that jellyfish goes right into a coma from the experience, and the giant elephantine guards were slaughtered by the escaping farmer armed only with his hands and feet. Thus goes much of the battle, human beings so strong and insane that the jellyfish can neither resist nor comprehend the resistance.

There were more books I never got to read and I really want to now...

Has anyone heard of this?
Note, I've been googling for this for years now...
On a joking note, this reminds me of a futurama episode.

On another note, I have no clue what this book is, nor have I ever heard of it, so my interest is now piqued. Naturally, if I find anything, I'll post here again.

I know you said you've googled for it, but maybe try googling theme ideas instead and see if that gets you anywhere.
Since you can only remember the plot and details about the aliens and humans, maybe you could find it on

Just dig through the speculative fiction section and you may see it mentioned somewhere under the literature tab of a given section.