[INFJ] sorry im on an infj sprea but i have another question?


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infjs seem to have this ability to hypnotize themselfs(auto hypnosis)
just by vizualization they can create emotions and some can even genuily faint at will

so 1) are you infjs able to cry at will
2) do you infjs find it easy to hypnotize yourselfs? into different states of emotion,feelings,situations?
a guy on youtube called rens room said its due to fe, being able to put yourself so vividly into a situation?

if so explain?
infjs seem to have this ability to hypnotize themselfs(auto hypnosis)
just by vizualization they can create emotions and some can even genuily faint at will

so 1) are you infjs able to cry at will
2) do you infjs find it easy to hypnotize yourselfs? into different states of emotion,feelings,situations?
a guy on youtube called rens room said its due to fe, being able to put yourself so vividly into a situation?

if so explain?
I don't think I'm a cry baby much less a manipulative person if for whatever reason I need to cry. Sometimes we feel so strong about something that makes us cry but the rationale behind that can be only understood or not! By us ....haha we are complex crearures. It helps me a lot to be away from people. I accept myself better;) then I can relate to others.
infjs seem to have this ability to hypnotize themselfs(auto hypnosis)
just by vizualization they can create emotions and some can even genuily faint at will

so 1) are you infjs able to cry at will
2) do you infjs find it easy to hypnotize yourselfs? into different states of emotion,feelings,situations?
a guy on youtube called rens room said its due to fe, being able to put yourself so vividly into a situation?

if so explain?

1. Nope, I cannot cry at will. I wish I could, because sometimes I feel like the only person NOT crying at funerals and the like. I actually cry very rarely, and usually only when I am angry, strangely enough. I literally cannot cry without an audience and pretty intense external stimulus (usually relational frustration). I am not great at functions, but guessing this has to do with Te?

2. Nope. I am very much a thinker internally (Ti). My feelings only seem real when I share them. My husband (ENFP, so Fi) CAN "hypnotize" himself info emotions and has actually gotten mad at me over arguments he day dreamed us having.

So, personally, I find neither assetion true in a personal sense and dont think they line up with INFJ functional stack (though admittedly not my strong suit).