Student arrested for terrorism


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Retired Staff

A freshman at my university was recently arrested on charges of terrorism. He disclosed to a close friend that he was going to jump off the Chem building with a bomb. The bomb was to ensure that he died. He is now being charged with terrorist activity. The news article isn't complete but it's the best I could find. He said he was going to kill himself so he didn't end up hurting others. (Apparently he realized something inside himself had snapped and was afraid of loosing control).

Personally I think it's batshit-crazy that he's been arrested on charges of terrorism.
What do you think?
I think your legal system is insane.

Real terrorists are going to get pissed off if you keep this up, and show you what real terrorism is.
welcome to post 9/11 'merica! Bomb = terrorist

A freshman at my university was recently arrested on charges of terrorism. He disclosed to a close friend that he was going to jump off the Chem building with a bomb. The bomb was to ensure that he died. He is now being charged with terrorist activity. The news article isn't complete but it's the best I could find. He said he was going to kill himself so he didn't end up hurting others. (Apparently he realized something inside himself had snapped and was afraid of loosing control).

Personally I think it's batshit-crazy that he's been arrested on charges of terrorism.
What do you think?

Anything to further the cause of propaganda. Let's keep that terrorism fresh in their mind!!
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I think your legal system is insane.

Real terrorists are going to get pissed off if you keep this up, and show you what real terrorism is.

I wanted to make a joke about us bombing the White House and you taking over leadership and turning it into a dictatorship, but knowing the US they'll take it serious.
I wanted to make a joke about us bombing the White House and you taking over leadership and turning it into a dictatorship, but knowing the US they'll take it serious.
wow, this is what 9/11 has brought us to..extreme paranoia about every single little incident we hear, America where 1 out of every 4 phone calls is recorded, as if this was not enough, the government gets paranoid out of random suicidal obviously stressed students who may be going through some sort of hardship, the government also gets paranoid out of any sort of joke, meaning now we have to watch every single word we say or be at risk of being charged with terrorism, seriously it's ok to try and be secure, but to extremes such as this one is ridiculous.
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Idiots. He didn't attempt terrorism. He wanted to commit suicide. Period.
Exactly. He wanted to kill himself so he wouldn't hurt other people.
1 out of every 4 phone calls recorded? How do you know that?
1 in 4 sounds very extreme. I guess I will have to google this shit up.
I wanted to make a joke about us bombing the White House and you taking over leadership and turning it into a dictatorship, but knowing the US they'll take it serious.

I guarantee we are all in a terrorist database now. I am sure I have been in one for a while based on my views.
They can listen to phonecalls all over the world, except for a little spot in south-america. (Which is probably fixed now.)

They even have filters which filter all emails containing worlds like 'Al Quada'.
Two weeks ago, a friend and I pretended he was recruiting me for Al Quada via mail.

No signs of interpol yet.
It was passed by the government..there was this huge big deal about invading private property..but it was passed..I was young so I don't remember much but I remember just about that.

An Israeli company is in charge of the monitoring. I used to know the name of the company. I am looking.
Damn, this thread makes me cynical and I can't help but picture an Orwellian world in the near future.
Damn. I feel sorry for the guy's whose job is to listen to these recordings. That's one heck of an inbox.

One dude is doing all that?

Damn, I thought they had some software that picked up on various key words or something...
*pst...there's a guest viewing this page. think it's the government?
One dude is doing all that?

Damn, I thought they had some software that picked up on various key words or something...

It is all automated. You sould be astounded how much technology we have no knowledge about. :P