Summer Reading List


Is Watching You
Retired Staff
So it's summer for us in the northern hemisphere, and time to kick back, relax, and enjoy the weather with a nice book. My question for you is; have you started working on a summer reading list? Do you have a number of books you'd like to start this summer?

My list
*On the Road-Kerouac
*Catch-22-Heller (my goal is to actually finish it this time, not get bored and quit 300 pages in)
*East of Eden-Steinbeck
*Pussy, King of the Pirates-Acker (I want to finish this one, too)

Godel Escher Bach - Douglas Hofstadter
Metamagical Themas - Douglas Hofstadter
The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness - Erich Fromm
Denial of Death - Ernest Becker
The Elegant Universe - Brian Greene
A Short History of Nearly Everything - Bill Bryson
Ishmael is on my list too.
Nice thread :) I have a pile of books on my bedside table, so I guess that counts.

These include:

R.J. Anderson - Rebel
Melissa Marr - Wicked Lovely
Alison Croggon - The Gift
Keith Donohue - The Stolen Child
Naomi Novik - Temeraire
Ali Shaw - The Girl with the Glass Feet
Erick Setiawan - Of Bees and Mist

Happy times ahead :)
YES! Get on Goodreads MF. I'm on there (though hardly ever) but still!

Both of you guys read Ishmael and then we can have a little talk about it. I'll bring cucumber finger sandwiches.

My list:

Diet for a New America by John Robbins
Blessed Unrest by Paul Hawken

That's right. Two books. I'm sure I'll read/add more.. But those are the two that I recently bought and must read.
List of Books I'll be reading:
Graphic Novels:
The Good Neighbors (Book One:Kin) - Holly Black & Ted Naifeh
" " (Book Two:Kith) - " "
Random Book:
Culture Shock!A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette: TOKYO
By: Yuko Morimoto Yoshida
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles - Haruki Murakami