

i know nothing
What superhero would you like to be and why?

Id love to be Doctor Who because of the whole time lord thing, his tardis, his cool bit of paper that says anything that he wants. He seems to have a lot of fun, travels a lot, kinda understands the whole universe and seems pretty unlimited in his imagination.
Before I knew about Doctor Who, etc. I liked Deanna Troi's telepathy or mind reading or communication (STNG) without the mind control. Anything tele- including telekinesis or teleportation is pretty cool in my books. And the ability to travel back in time but not beyond my timeline. I like limits to my powers or abilities. I don't want to mess with the space/time dimension. I just want to see how it works :D
Yea but Deanna Troi got stuck with Riker...eww
Either the guy version of Storm, or the guy version of Phoenix. Except that whole turning evil thing.
Wonder Woman :::sigh::: I've always had a thing for her.
I had a WW bathing suit when I was a little kid that I wore around the house just pretending to be her in. This was during 80's growing up to the Linda Carter re-runs. She was so perfect in that costume and had the coolest accessories... invisible jet, bullet deflecting bracelets, lasso of truth. Super speed, agility, strength to rescue men in distress. Couldn't she also talk to animals? The intro music to the TV show takes me back... now that's a theme song dammit.

I'd be a Jedi :)

I'm not sure which one. I'd probably prefer to be a humanoid.

EDIT: I forgot the why. I'd be a Jedi because it'd be nice to be in tune with the living Force. I'd get an entire belief system based on my superpowers, too. I'd also learn to meditate and be disciplined.
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Magneto. Mostly because I like the complexity of his character.
He's a byronic hero. I don't really see him as a pure villain.
Plus you can do a lot with that magnetokinesis.
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