Tax on Junk Food!!! It's NEAR!


Passing through

What did I say? WHAT DID I SAY!?! :D

Now if they would only funnel that money into an actual health care system for the US...

September 17, 2009
Doctors press for 'cola tax' in bid to fight child obesity
By Jeremy Laurance, Health Editor
Experts raise spectre of economic sanctions on unhealthy products

The battle to contain the global obesity crisis stepped up a gear yesterday as American public health experts demanded a sugar tax on the country's most popular source of refreshment - sweetened carbonated drinks and fruit juices.

In what is certain to become a world-wide debate on the use of economic sanctions to tackle obesity, a group led by academics from Yale and Harvard universities proposed a "cola war", with a 1 cent tax per fluid ounce on sweetened beverages, raising the price of the average can of cola by 15 to 20 per cent.

They say this would cut calorie consumption from drinks by a minimum of 10 per cent (enough to prompt weight loss) and contribute almost $15bn towards the health costs of obesity.

"The reasons to proceed are compelling. The science base linking the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages to the risk of chronic disease is clear. Research suggests a tax... would have strong positive effects on reducing consumption. We believe that taxes on beverages that help drive the obesity epidemic should and will become routine," the experts say in the New England Journal of Medicine.

British nutrition specialists backed the move but said other economic measures, such as a tariff on sugar imports, could have the same impact but be less politically controversial.

Tam Fry, spokesman for the UK National Obesity Forum, said: "We have got to start thinking very seriously about taxing unhealthy food and drink as part of the drive to improve the nation's health and cut obesity. The amount of sugar that goes into these soft drinks is staggering and it has a double whammy, increasing obesity and rotting teeth."

The US proposal follows a report by the respected Institute of Medicine this month calling for an increase in local taxes on soft drinks and junk food. In the UK, the British Medical Association narrowly defeated a proposal for a chocolate tax at its annual meeting in 2008. Gordon Brown vetoed a plan for a tax on burgers and sweets in 2004, when Chancellor of the Exchequer, on the grounds that it would disproportionately affect the poor.

Consumption of fizzy drinks, fruit juices, smoothies and other sweetened beverages is soaring around the world and is recognised as a major contributor to the obesity epidemic, especially among children. Americans are drinking twice as much of the drinks as they did 25 years ago, and they now contribute 172 calories daily to the average US child's diet. Experts say the UK is close behind.

Jack Winkler, professor of nutrition policy at London Metropolitan University, said: "I support this. It would be a massive public acknowledgement about the danger sugar poses to health."

But he proposed raising the price of sugar permanently by reforming the world commodity markets. Imposing tariffs, which are invisible, would be much better than raising taxes, he said.

The British Nutrition Foundation said that, instead of altering food choices, increasing taxes "could simply mean higher prices for consumers - especially those on lower incomes".

Sugar rush: Sweetened drinks

* A can of Coca-Cola contains 34.98g of sugar, 38.86 per cent of GDA

* The same size Pepsi contains 36.3g or 40.3 per cent of GDA

* A similar serving of Sunny Delight contains 27.4g or 30.5 per cent of GDA

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Link to where I mentioned it:
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This is going to kill me I have a bad weakness for junk food.
That's the interesting part about it though, BB. We will all eat it. Junk food prices have more than doubled in my lifetime - tripled in some cases - but people buy more of it than ever before. It won't matter how expensive it is; people will buy it.

But heck, that just means the more you eat it, the more you're paying for your own health care if they do it right.
Yes! I'm glad you found an article about it
That's the interesting part about it though, BB. We will all eat it. Junk food prices have more than doubled in my lifetime - tripled in some cases - but people buy more of it than ever before. It won't matter how expensive it is; people will buy it.

But heck, that just means the more you eat it, the more you're paying for your own health care if they do it right.

What I find most frustrating is food is my vice. I'm fine with other stuff but food I just can't seem to eat good enough or less than I should.

That's the interesting part about it though, BB. We will all eat it. Junk food prices have more than doubled in my lifetime - tripled in some cases - but people buy more of it than ever before. It won't matter how expensive it is; people will buy it.

But heck, that just means the more you eat it, the more you're paying for your own health care if they do it right.

Yeah, exactly. Look at marijuana, cocaine or other illegal drugs; they are illegal but people still buy them regardless.
Yes! I'm glad you found an article about it

Hey, I've got you to thank for pointing me in the direction! Without you telling me it was coming up I wouldn't have known.

You've given me the fuel for my torch. :D:m159:

Maybe healthy food prices will lower?


Probably not.
I am going to be so broke.
Sounds like some bullshit to me.
It's about time, just because soda is on the dollar menu doesn't mean it's cheap in the long run. People don't realize this.*

*I'm a hypocrite, I bought four dollar-menu burgers at Wendy's today... so yummy:m171:
The recipes for major brand junk food are easy enough to obtain. Bring on the tax. I'll make my own. ;)
Ok, I don't mind a tax on food, as it is a nesscessity. However, a tax ok just junk food for the sake of making kids less obease makes me mad. I understand if junkfood is bad for you. However, it is the persons fault for eating too much of it and causing health problems. The state is just trying to play nanny to everyone, and when that happens I get mad. I will admit, I like junkfood, but I do not partake in it often. I understand the possible adverse health effects. For the government to impose a tax ok this for the reason they had laid out is almost like a punishment for people, it is extremely unfair to me. Unlike ciggeretts, where I think the tax is ok because of the inherent addictive nature of nicotine, junkfood is not addictive in a chemical sense.

...The state is just trying to play nanny to everyone, and when that happens I get mad...

It may be one's prerogative to eat junk food, but why should society then have to suffer the economic consequences of an individual's poor choices? People who lack the self discipline to live healthily are statistically more of an economic burden on society than those who eat right and exercise consistently. The consequences are that they cause health insurance rates to increase and use a greater proportion of healthcare resources paid for by taxes. It is only fair that, should someone choose to eat junk food, they effectively, through taxes, reimburse society for the added burden that results from their free, yet poor, choices.
People who lack the self discipline to live healthily are statistically more of an economic burden on society than those who eat right and exercise consistently...

... but they sure are a lot more fun to be around. You don't see jolly old Santa abstaining from the mince pies out of fear of burdening the health system. Besides, he tells me there are far greater percentage of exercisers than fatties on the naughty list. Gospel truth.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: when the government accepts the responsibility of paying for many of the health problems that are caused or exacerbated by a product (from cigarettes to trans fats), it will be much more compelled to tax or ban those products to save money. I think it is still unfair to companies and responsible consumers, but until we come up with a better solution, we should tolerate it to the extent that we support government aid in health care.