Telepathic (and such) dreams?


Community Member
Capricious 9w1
I won't go into detail right now since it's a long story full of tedious detail. But I really wanted to ask, does anyone else (INFJ) experiences telepathic, or/and so-called 'clairvoyant,' or just downright creepily coincidental dreams? I'm not just talking the once-in-a-lifetime experience, either, but something much more than very occasional.

Anyone? Tell me I'm not the only INFJ who gets this quite often.
You are not the only one. Does it happen when you are awake too? Your day dream end up happening like two hours later? Or all of a sudden you get like a visual image in your brain.

Happened once while on the highway while i was on the way to Green Bay. Had an asshole pass me on the right, then cut back in front of me before the semi I was moving up on. While I was slowing down to let him in I got a flash of a broken piece of tire heading down the road at me. And before I could pass the truck and get back in the right lane the asshole blew a tire and I had to pull off the road to avoid hitting his truck.
You are not the only one. Does it happen when you are awake too? Your day dream end up happening like two hours later? Or all of a sudden you get like a visual image in your brain.

Oh yeah, stuff like that has definitely happened. More, though, the 'daydreams' end up happening sometimes months later. Maybe everyone has a time lapse between when they envision it and when the actual event occurs. I've found mine tends to be around two weeks. :D

What the hell's up with that? Is it just being very 'invisibly' in-tune with possibilities and probabilities?
It's only happened to me a couple of times but not through dreams. I'm glad it doesn't, think it might freak me out a bit. I'd love to hear about yours though.
I don't know why it happens, and personally I am glad it does.

As far as a time....there never has been a definate correlation between vision, and occurance. Rather, it seems that there is a feeling that builds just before the occurance. Now, that feeling tends to make me very alert to my surroundings and I pay more attention to the envirnoment and the choices that present themselves.

It's gotten so common place that it is a normal part of my life. Which is just another thing that sets me apart since using 'I saw this/that would happen' isn't a viable debate platform.

Now, if only I could precog those damn PowerBall numbers......
My life is a living coincidence. I don't have any such dreams, but I often enter situations and already know what is going to happen, down to distinct details. There are days when I have this strong feeling that my life is a rerun, and I have already lived through this many times before. Almost like deja vu, but rather than instantaneous moments, my entire life, past, present, and future feels that way.
What is known as Extrasensory Perception, ESP, likely found in an INFJ more than any other type, although other types are capable of such phenomena. INFJs have vivid imaginations exercised both as memory and intution, and this can amount to genius, resulting at times in an INFJs being seen as mystical. This capability of intense internal intuition extends to people, things, and often events, taking the form of visions, episodes of foreknowledge, premonitions, auditory and visual images of things to come. INFJs can have uncanny communications wiht certain individuals at a distance. was the site I took this from... but if you just google "infj premonitions" you should come up with a bunch of others too.
All the time....And sadly a tragic story goes with one of mine as well! Your not alone in this one!
Thanks, guys, I really appreciate all the comments so far -- it makes me feel at least a little less isolated and crazy.

There are days when I have this strong feeling that my life is a rerun, and I have already lived through this many times before. Almost like deja vu, but rather than instantaneous moments, my entire life, past, present, and future feels that way.

Could you expound on this more? It sounds really familiar, but I don't want to make any assumptions. I've explained to people that I feel as if I live a few seconds into the future, and see 'beyond' the external, as well as feel like everything is familiar, like I've done it all before. It's not the same as déjà vu at all, but more of an 'aura' of dreamy familiarity. I used to think this was some kind of mild psychoses, and I'm still not sure that I can rule that out, but it does seem to lend a real hand to my experiences, which are, by all appearances, fairly objectively real.

Anyway, my experiences are varied and almost constant. I met my current boyfriend (INFP) because of dreams I was having well before we really met. My whole family seems to have these experiences, though, so I don't think MBTI has much to do with it except applying letters to some related cognitive functions.

The intuition seems to be the entire secret, of course, but what in the brain causes that? My family consist of almost all intuitors; INFP mom, ENFP aunt, INTP uncle, his sons which are all INTPs or INTJs, ENTJ aunt, ENFJ half sister, ENTP half brother various INFP, possible INFJ and INTJ cousins. All of us have autistic traits and range from 130-165 IQ-wise and are obsessed with music and art. It would seem we all share some sort of dominant genetic traits that cause us to be highly 'iNtuitive,' and to thus experience reality differently.

Ah, and, seeing as a nice little synchronicity' happened as I was typing, thought I'd mention that such things also happen often, usually daily. I don't discuss them as much since they could be chalked up to mere coincidence, but it's worth mentioning here, I think.

Most of these experiences I have happen daily, multiple times a day, and are usually nothing to sneeze at. I just hate to share them since there seems to be a serious taboo on experiencing anything that isn't scientifically proven, and generally associated with delusional or psychotic episodes. I suffer more from my experiences than I benefit because I used to be a burgeoning anthropologist, heavily into the sciences, and I'm also an atheist (if I have to describe myself as anything). It's also difficult to get anyone to understand that the reason I'm in a seemingly less-than-satisfactory relationship is because of these experiences.

Mostly, I experience the 'connections' I have to certain people in sleeping, during REM, or occasionally brief and powerful (as they typically are) hypopompic episodes, but that's somewhat more rare. 'Daydreams' can definitely give me similar insights, as can using the Ouija board (an experience the other night showed me my boyfriend and I seem to be able to directly communicate using the Ouija over the phone to channel thoughts concepts he's having through to the board). The dreams are generally abstract information about the present, but 'clairvoyant' dreams aren't unusual, either. The deep connections I hold to people seem to be exclusive to other people who test as iNtuitors. I don't think this is coincidence.

Anyone else have these specific things, or really explore/document their abilities?
Thank you! I feel validated. So much of what you said above caused me to say ME TOO!
I understand the 'life as a rerun' as well. Or a feeling that I went from there to here in an instant. They are the moments where everything suddenly catches up. I also get the feeling that even though it's familiar I have the power to change it all completely.
I don't think intuition has anything to do with the brain.
Anyhow, I love the way you're able to put what you're feeling into words so well.
sumone said:
I don't think intuition has anything to do with the brain.

How do you mean?
I don't think it's a function of the brain at all, it comes from somewhere else. What do you think it is?
I think it's probably a function of the brain, where else could it come from?
I can definitely say that my forays into telepathy experimentation, it just feels like my brain is tapping into other physical (be it quantum or otherwise) energy, wavelengths, not unlike radio waves. I wish I could give a more scientific explanation than that, but it's late and complicated, and I'd need some serious research to back me up.

To quote what I said to someone online the other day after they presented me with the argument of astral projection:

I'm not one to adhere to any beliefs one way or another, but the hypothesis of astral projection is not an interpretation I've ever given much validity, just on an intuitive and logical basis. It has some merit, but it seems mostly bent to the subjective interpretation of the actual experience itself, rather than what the true mechanisms behind it may be. In other words it appears more 'flattering' than what I feel it really is.

I've had plenty of experiences with what I call the 'Drii', Turns out much of my family has had the same experience. These things, whether they're something truly outside of ourselves or part of a collective human unconscious, are pretty scary, and there's no shortage of variations on interpretation, from aliens to God itself. But still, I remain pretty objective about the whole thing, and I refuse one way or another to fall on a conclusion about something that is absolutely inconclusive. All I can say is, yes, this shit happens.

What it feels like is happening is, not that I'm an ethereal energy completely leaving my body, but rather I stay firmly rooted to my brain, in my brain, and 'tune in' to, and 'pick up' on, incoming messages depending on where I've pointed my 'antennae'. How this is achieved, I have no idea. The 'antennae' seems to be something related to pure internal intuition, and I use the same thing to see possible events far into the future. But I need my brain, my body, to do any of this.

A couple experiences with my boyfriend mentioned really gave me insight into how much I'm still me, but picking up on broadcasts so clear, it's like I am the other person, or can see them by 'floating' through a room. It seems to be a very intricate bundle of information sent from the person, or people, that I then interpret in various ways. Imagine being sent raw information from the person's movements and senses that allows you to get at least a vague idea of the place their in and what they're doing, then 'rendering' that into three dimensional space within your own mind and imagination. That's what it's like.

The subjective experience itself is of its own, while the objective interpretation is what I like to look for afterwards.

Furthermore, I've found a correlation between distance and experience accuracy, sometimes even a lag. To touch someone gives great results, sometimes continuously irrefutable, while living across the world may lend itself to foggier perception, and a mix of my own subconscious interpretations, especially in sleep. It's as if the 'waves' are distorted occasionally, but just barely, and even then, crystal clear connections feel possible.

Of course, this is all mere speculation, but I thought I'd offer my two cents.
I think it could be either way....when you think about it Humans dont use our brains to the fullest of its abilities...there are few that have tapped into the power of the brain to make unreality reality...The brain is an electric organism that has so much more potential then just storing information, thinking and body functions. With out the brain the mind could not act with out the mind the brain cannot act...with out the soul ect...That could get long...but I think that there is a sort of holy trinity in ones body that can be accessed through intuition and this is just the tip of the iceberg...Knowing that a friend 10 miles away from you is hurting or precognition of your day is just small fries in the grand scheme of what our minds are capable of doing if reality is perception then whats to say I cant float...because society's perception of reality is that we cant....but If reality is perception...than anything is possible...

That kinda went on a skewed path i wasn't
Knowing that a friend 10 miles away from you is hurting or precognition of your day is just small fries in the grand scheme of what our minds are capable of doing

Heh, I feel as if I've had glimpses of other possibilities beyond what I'm starting to consider the 'hum-drum' of 'normal' precognition and extrasensory perception, but it's extremely daunting and has caused me to be concerned that I may be having some sort of psychotic 'breakthrough' -- as opposed to breakdown, that is. I haven't lost my mind yet, though, and so far the experiences have remained experimental (and drugless) forays into the unknown, without hallucinations or delusions, that I'm aware of, even though I've definitely experienced things outside myself with other people as a result A lot of people would probably term these experiences something of a paranormal nature.

It's been a long time, though. I called it quits when it got a bit too dodgy for my liking.

Anyone else?
Hotherym said:
Knowing that a friend 10 miles away from you is hurting or precognition of your day is just small fries in the grand scheme of what our minds are capable of doing

Heh, I feel as if I've had glimpses of other possibilities beyond what I'm starting to consider the 'hum-drum' of 'normal' precognition and extrasensory perception, but it's extremely daunting and has caused me to be concerned that I may be having some sort of psychotic 'breakthrough' -- as opposed to breakdown, that is. I haven't lost my mind yet, though, and so far the experiences have remained experimental (and drugless) forays into the unknown, without hallucinations or delusions, that I'm aware of, even though I've definitely experienced things outside myself with other people as a result A lot of people would probably term these experiences something of a paranormal nature.

It's been a long time, though. I called it quits when it got a bit too dodgy for my liking.

Anyone else?

I called it quits a long time ago with the experimentation...It went entirely the wrong direction and i got lost in alot of darkness

I am slowly trying to open parts of this back up...but very carefully because there are parts of my extrasensory perception that I am not in any way ready to see EVER again...EVER!

I try exercises with my Best friend of 15 years...(an ENFJ who also posses some extrasensory qualities) Each of us can always know what one another is feeling we are connected if you will and so we experiment with things all the time...Not so much recently we were both At home moms and both went back to work at the same time..We have shared a lot of paranormal things together.
I always have really, really vivid dreams about certain people (sometimes people I know really well, some I hardly know at all). But, I'll have dreams about them which reccur usually over a couple of nights, and then within a week something really significant will happen involving that person that effects me. This has happened so many times!! it's really odd. Usually the dreams also hint what's going to happen. :suspicious:

Also! I always have feelings about things that are going to happen.. like I know which person will win a raffle a lot of the time, or if I have to guess the names of say, 3 people I've never met (I'm given the names, but not who they belong to) I'll always know who's who.

Finally, I sometimes have really random images flash up in my head, and suddenly they'll actually happen. This doesn't happen often, but it scares me when it does. For example; once I was walking down a hallway at my school and suddenly I saw an image of myself almost running into this girl (I had barely ever seen, as she was years younger than me etc) after she walked suddenly out of a doorway a few meters up. I thought the thought was a bit weird, but I just kept walking when exactly what I'd just seen happened!
This kind of stuff happens when I'm watching the news too, I'll see a word in my head and then a street sign will flash up on the TV with that word. Weird.

oh, and hello people! :peep: :D

And welcome :D