Terry Pratchett, Jasper Fforde and other light hearted satirical authors


The Challenger
anyone read any of their books?

If not, I highly recommend them. they are a good laugh and the sort of thing that you don't have to get right into to enjoy them. They never fail to make me laugh, and I love how they mix satire and fanticy.

if you have, any favourite books? characters?

I loved Feet of Clay and Monstrous regiment by Pratchett and the nursery crime series by Fforde.

The Watch in the discworld novels are probably my favourite characters from anywhere.
I've had the ambition to read every Discworld novel written since I read The Colour of Magic accidentally as a kid.

So far read:

The Colour of Magic
The Light Fantastic
Equal Rites
Night Watch

Also you should check out Douglas Adams' The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy if you haven't already.
I've had the ambition to read every Discworld novel written since I read The Colour of Magic accidentally as a kid.

So far read:

The Colour of Magic
The Light Fantastic
Equal Rites
Night Watch

Also you should check out Douglas Adams' The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy if you haven't already.

i have that ambition too, although it seams i maybe better at it.

read sofar(not in this order silly):

The light fantastic
Feet of clay
Men at arms
The Colour of Magic
Guards! guards!
Lords and ladies
Interesting Times
Moving Pictures
Reaper man
The last Contient
The science of the discworld*
The Fifth elephant
The truth
Night watch
Monsterous Regiment
Soul Music
Small Gods
Witches Abroad

*Not really a story
I own Good Omens. It's divine. I'm not a big reader.
i have that ambition too, although it seams i maybe better at it.

read sofar(not in this order silly):

The light fantastic
Feet of clay
Men at arms
The Colour of Magic
Guards! guards!
Lords and ladies
Interesting Times
Moving Pictures
Reaper man
The last Contient
The science of the discworld*
The Fifth elephant
The truth
Night watch
Monsterous Regiment
Soul Music
Small Gods
Witches Abroad

*Not really a story
You sound like you'd love playing GURPS Discworld games, or at least read the rulebooks. You love everything Discworld.
Oh man. I love Terry Pratchett's books. And Neil Gaiman and Douglas Adams. =D
i have that ambition too, although it seams i maybe better at it.

read sofar(not in this order silly):

The light fantastic
Feet of clay
Men at arms
The Colour of Magic
Guards! guards!
Lords and ladies
Interesting Times
Moving Pictures
Reaper man
The last Contient
The science of the discworld*
The Fifth elephant
The truth
Night watch
Monsterous Regiment
Soul Music
Small Gods
Witches Abroad

*Not really a story

I don't read that much, in fact he writes them quicker than I can get through them.
Neil Gaiman is my favorite author. The Sandman graphic novels are my favorite reads of all time. Up there also, is Neverwhere. Croup and Vandemar are spectacular villains.
hate to break it to you, but Making Money is discworld.

it's the follow up book to going postal, whitch is also discworld.

take it from me, you could ask me any discworld question and I would know the answer.
hate to break it to you, but Making Money is discworld.

it's the follow up book to going postal, whitch is also discworld.

take it from me, you could ask me any discworld question and I would know the answer.

Oh, is it? I didn't know that. Guess I need to head to the library and get some discworld books.

So, what's the 5th word on the 27th page of the 7th discworld book? And who said it? :P (You said any discworld question)

I suspect Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett are the same person. They have such a similar style. I really like them both!
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*Joins Book Nerds..*
Have read Prachett and Adams. Loved them both but haven't gone overboard on reading every single one.
probably shouldn't have said any question, especially since I read audio books only, and they have no pages :p

Adams is awesome! and I would personally like to kill whoever made the movie of hitch hikers, it was....soooo....soooo american! only one of the characters was played by a brit, they screwed with the story line so much and the characters themselves were just all wrong, especially if you loved the BBC series of it.

I'm a purist. I can't help it. it probably made the poor man turn in his grave....
Adams is awesome! and I would personally like to kill whoever made the movie of hitch hikers, it was....soooo....soooo american! only one of the characters was played by a brit, they screwed with the story line so much and the characters themselves were just all wrong, especially if you loved the BBC series of it.

I'm a purist. I can't help it. it probably made the poor man turn in his grave....

Don't be silly, there is no movie. It's a book and radio play only and I scoff at anyone who tries to tell me different.
don't forget the miniseries! that was awesomeeeee!