The 5-second Personality Test


What is the shortest MB personality test you could possibly make? This was my idea:

1. Are you talkative or quiet?
2. Do you prefer to think about tangible things, or abstract ideas?
3. Which controls you, your head or your heart?
4. Are you messy or organized?

What do you guys think? Would it be accurate or not? If you had to pick just one question for each pair, what would you pick?
1. more quiet.
2. both
3. both
4. both

If i were to take your test, i'd score IXXX, Multiple variations on the same concept serve to solidify a trait. If people took a four question test, there'd be mistypes everywhere
What is the shortest MB personality test you could possibly make? This was my idea:

1. Are you talkative or quiet?
2. Do you prefer to think about tangible things, or abstract ideas?
3. Which controls you, your head or your heart?
4. Are you messy or organized?

What do you guys think? Would it be accurate or not? If you had to pick just one question for each pair, what would you pick?
1. Depends on my mood, but usually on the quiet side
3. They work in tandem
4. Both

In theory, it would actually be a decent test, but there is a lot of grey area that would get unaccounted for. In short, too generalised. I'm not sure what questions I would ask at the moment.
1. Are you talkative or quiet? - depends on the situation. I am quiet in crowds or groups but talkative in one-on-one situations with people I know well.
2. Do you prefer to think about tangible things, or abstract ideas? - abstract ideas fo sho.
3. Which controls you, your head or your heart? - heart but again, it depends. I think with my head but act with my heart. So, is the question asking about actions or feelings? If it's personal decisions, then heart. If it's decisions related to other people, I depend on my head.
4. Are you messy or organized? - physical space - mix of messy & organized. mental space - mix of messy and organized (I like step by step instructions and guidance). I like knowing what's expected when, how, and why. I like specific details but I don't like being limited by structure. I like a little flexibility.
1. Are you talkative or quiet?
2. Do you prefer to think about tangible things, or abstract ideas?
3. Which controls you, your head or your heart?
4. Are you messy or organized?

1. Talkative one-on-one and in small groups of people I know well but quiet in large groups.
2. Abstract things are more important to me but I look for evidence in physical representation.
3. I trust my intuition most and feelings happen first, but I try to temper intuition and feeling with thinking before I allow myself to act.
4. The more depressed I am the more physically messy I am. My thoughts are usually more focused.

I think short tests are as potentially misleading as long ones are. People readily confuse introversion with shyness. Abstract thinkers strive to be more down to earth and concrete thinkers like to consider themselves capable of abstraction.

As someone who responds more to feeling, I have many times been betrayed or left feeling that I cannot act on my feelings alone so I spend an awful lot of time thinking and analyzing everything. As someone who can be a little too confident and rigid, I have tried to be more open. While I am quite determined, I want to remain open. I also hate being a hypocrite so I try not to hold people to standards I so often fail to live up to.

For these reasons and others, I have tested as all four introverted intuition types. I don't think oversimplifying will achieve better accuracy.
How we choose to answer these questions in a forum situation like this is more revealing of our type than which choices we indicate as our answers =)

1. Are you talkative or quiet? Quiet. (If you frame the question like this anyway. I talk, but I don't talk and talk and talk like "talkative" seems to suggest.)
2. Do you prefer to think about tangible things, or abstract ideas? Abstract
3. Which controls you, your head or your heart? Heart
4. Are you messy or organized? Both
1. Are you talkative or quiet? Depends
2. Do you prefer to think about tangible things, or abstract ideas? Abstract
3. Which controls you, your head or your heart? Both
4. Are you messy or organized? Both
What is the shortest MB personality test you could possibly make? This was my idea:

1. Are you talkative or quiet?
- depends how I feel
2. Do you prefer to think about tangible things, or abstract ideas?
- Abstract tangerines
3. Which controls you, your head or your heart? -
-More heart but it sometimes gathers fatty deposits (see answer #1)
4. Are you messy or organized?
- Messy when lazy. Organised when I have my shit together - rare.

What do you guys think? Would it be accurate or not? If you had to pick just one question for each pair, what would you pick?
Mostly about what I might do. No, it would be very vague because it's four questions. Quiet, Abstract, Heart, Organised.

I'm assuming you meant 'one answer'.
No, I meant one question. Sorry I guess I wasn't clear - I meant if you had to pick one question for a hypothetical personality test that epitomized each pair (i.e. I/E, S/N, T/F, J/P), which would you pick? It's just interesting to see how it would play out. I guess the theory is that, while for many people the answer is just "Both", if you absolutely had to pick just one of each of those four, which would you pick, and would it actually correlate to your real personality?

For example
1. Yes clearly I am sometimes talkative and sometimes quiet, but all things considered (any comparing myself to the general population), if I had to pick between the two, I would lead towards "quiet" which correlates to my real personality (I).
2. I actually think about abstract things wayyyy more than concrete things so for me this one is easy.
3. To be honest I don't really understand the difference between thinking with my head and thinking my heart, but I still know that I'm very clearly on the "feeling" side so for me that one's easy too.
4. There have been periods of time in my life when I have both been very messy and very organized (as I'm sure there is for most people) but again, if I absolutely had to choose just one, and compared myself to everyone else I know, I would definitely fall in the "organized" side of things and this does correlate to my answer on the longer tests.
Considering that the letters aren't so much the type as the functions are, I'd say that you can't make a test that's four questions without confusing a lot of people. As [MENTION=2240]rawr[/MENTION] stated, you'd have a pretty good number of mistypes.

Furthermore, such dichotomies only examine surface-level actions and interactions, which do nothing to explain one's personality; motivation and intention, things which cannot be identified directly or easily, are far better indicators of personality and type than the answers to questions like "Do you fold your toilet paper or crumple it?"

In fact, that's the same kind of garbage thinking that produces people who go to MBTI forums and say shit like, "I like <mundane thing>. Is that an XXXX thing???"
I think it would be better to change tangible to relevant in the op test.
I think that "talkative" and "quiet" are useless terms to describe the difference between introvert and extrovert. In my limited study of Jung, I believe he likened this function to the "relationship with the object"...which I tend to call the Other...and whether one saw themselves as part of the Other (engaged perhaps?) or Extrovert or distinct from the Other (I dunno what) or Introvert.